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Cave Systems

   Cave systems are defined here as cave passages usually with more than one entrance which can be traversed by cavers or cave divers, or are proved by water tracing. Some "systems" have only one entrance but the length (>2.5km) warrants inclusion here. Currently, not every system has separately numbered (or GPS'd) entrances, e.g. Coquisera (0039).
    The major system names are usually named after the area or geographical features; minor systems are arbitrarily named, perhaps as combined names.
   [Note: There are inconsistencies. For example, Boyones (water-traced) is shown as part on the Four Valleys System whereas El Cubillón is not (yet) shown below as part of the Aguanaz system, even though it has been traced to that resurgence. (Should the length of Cubillón be shown in such a system?)
   Although the policy is to give each "hole in the ground" a separate code, this is not always carried through. For example, the small, dry entrance to Agua / Molino (#0059) is code-less.]
Latest update or check: 11th Decmber 2024. Still to unravel: some of the caves of Ogarrio?

0348 (narrow rifts) (length: 20m).
  Access through 0348: cave; 1612: cave
1514 (+2 entrances) (length: 112m).
  Access through 1514: cave
1538 / 3437 (length: 53m).
  Access through 1538: cave; 3437: cave
2442 (+ field entrance) (length: 15m).
  Access through 2442: cave
3261 (+ shaft entrance) (length: 106m).
  Access through 3261: shaft & cave
3938 / 3839 (length: 66m).
  Access through 3938: cave; 3939: cave
5372/5373, Sistema de (length: 35m).
  Access through 5372: cave; 5373: cave
77A, Cueva (length: 466m).
  Access through 0154: 77A, Cueva; 5450: Rite Here!; 5449: Rite Now!
Abono / 1470, Sistema (length: 425m).
  Access through 1470: shaft; 0033: Abono, Cueva del
Aguanaz, Fuente (length: 5299m).
  Access through 0713: Aguanaz, Fuente (top entrance); 5453: Aguanaz, Fuente (bottom entrance); 5452: Aguanaz, Fuente (middle entrance)
Bat Cave (+ small entrance) (length: 9m).
  Access through 1532: Bat Cave
Bollón / Hole in the Road, Sistema de (length: 1849m).
  Access through 1452: Hole in the Road; 0098: Bollón, Cueva de
Calleja Rebollo, Torcón de la (length: 8208m).
  Access through 0258: Calleja Rebollo, Torcón de la
Camino 1988, Cueva del (+ second entrance) (length: 25m).
  Access through 2115: Camino 1988, Cueva del
Campuvijo, Cueva de (multi-entrance?) (length: 925m).
  Access through 0287: Campuvijo, Cueva de
Cefrales, Cueva de los (length: 554m).
  Access through 0042: Cefrales, Cueva de los; 4210: Cefrales, Cueva de los (bottom entrance)
Cobadal, Sumidero de (length: 7493m).
  Access through 1930: Cobadal, Sumidero de; 5451: Cobadal, Sumidero de (bottom entrance)
Collada / Eastwater, Sistema (length: 1109m).
  Access through 0394: Collada, Cueva de; 4537: Cueva Collada (entrada 2)
Colmenas / Escalón, Sistema de (length: 2688m).
  Access through 0363: Colmenas, Fuente de las; 0280: Escalón, Fuente El
Copudia, Cuevas de (3 entrances) (length: 290m).
  Access through 0265: Copudia, Cuevas de
Coquisera, Cueva de (+ 3 shafts) (length: 2380m).
  Access through 0039: Coquisera, Cueva de
Coverón, Cueva del (length: 3580m).
  Access through 0002: Coverón, Cueva del
Cuatro Entradas, Cueva de (+ three other entrances) (length: 245m).
  Access through 3116: Cuatro Entradas, Cueva de
Cuatro Valles, Sistema de (length: 76908m).
  Access through 0107: Hoyuca, Cueva; 5000: Boob Tube; 0117: Boyones, Los; 0081: Carcavuezo, Cueva de; 3895: cave; 2903: Church Entrance (Hoyuca entrance); 4732: Decepción, Torca la (bottom entrance); 0252: Decepción, Torca la (top entrance); 1800: Fridge Door Cave; 2691: Giant Panda entrance; 3234: Llanío, Cueva-Cubío del; 0114: Llueva, Cueva; 2974: Number 1 entrance (Hoyuca); 0575: Riaño Resurgence, Cueva; 0105: Riaño, Cueva de; 2872: shaft (Hoyuca entrance); 4536: Sub-phone entrance; 5368: Vaca Bypass
Cubija, Sistema de (North Vega System) (length: 22949m).
  Access through 0892: Regaton, Torca del; 0243: Cubija, Cubío de; 0774: Morenuca, Cueva de la; 0071: Mostajo, Torca del
Cubillón, El (length: 2797m).
  Access through 2538: Cubillón, El
Cuesta de la Encina, Cueva de la (+ cave & roof entrances) (length: 229m).
  Access through 4112: Cuesta de la Encina, Cueva de la
Diablo, Gruta del (+ upper entrance) (length: 18m).
  Access through 4244: Diablo, Gruta del
Espada / Ruchano, Sistema de la (length: 2380m).
  Access through 0103: Espada, Cueva de la; 3222: cave; 3232: Ruchano, Cueva del
Fresnedo 1, Cueva (+ top entrance) (length: 262m).
  Access through 0126: Fresnedo 1, Cueva
Fresnedo 2, Cueva (length: 9620m).
  Access through 0841: Fresnedo 2, Cueva
Fuente del Francés, Cueva de la (+ bottom entrance) (length: 126m).
  Access through 4171: Fuente del Francés, Cueva de la
Fuentes, Sumidero de (length: 60m).
  Access through 1757: Sumidero de Fuentes; 3270: Resurgence de Fuentes, Cueva
Helechales, Cueva de los (length: 600m).
  Access through 0408: Helechales, Cueva de los; 1679: cave
Humo, Cueva del (length: 90m).
  Access through 0045: Humo, Cueva del (west entrance); 5388: Humo, Cueva del (east entrance)
Humo-Esquimadera, Sistema de (length: 2160m).
  Access through 0734: Humo, Cueva de; 0739: Esquimadera, Torca de
Injanas 1 & 2, Sistema de (+2 smaller entrances + 2 shafts) (length: 304m).
  Access through 4001: Injanas, Cueva de las; 4444: Injanas 2, Cueva de las
Invisible Cave / Entrada Tres, Sistema de (+ excavated entrance) (length: 704m).
  Access through 3291: Entrada Tres; 3283: Invisible Cave
Jivero 1 / 0246, Cueva de (length: 503m).
  Access through 0246: cave; 0016: Jivero 1, Cueva de
Jivero 2, Cueva de (length: 517m).
  Access through 0017: Jivero 2, Cueva de (top entrance); 5454: Jivero 2,Cueva de (bottom entrance)
Mazo-Chopo, Sistema de (length: 270m).
  Access through 5151: Chopo, Cueva del; 0961: Mazo, Cueva del
Molino / Cuevona, Sistema de (length: 2055m).
  Access through 0059: Molino, Cueva del; 0248: Cuevona, La
Molino, Cueva del (length: 2350m).
  Access through 0727: Molino, Cueva del; 5250: Molino, Cueva del (2nd entrance, shaft); 0791: Molino, Cueva del (resurgence)
Mortiro-Esquileña, Cueva (length: 770m).
  Access through 0005: Mortiro, Cueva del (top entrance); 4272: resurgence (E)
Nabo, Cueva del (length: 1280m).
  Access through 3357: Nabo, Cueva del; 0978: cave
Orillón, Sistema del (length: 710m).
  Access through 0023: Orillón, Cueva del; 1161: Malbujero; 1162: Orillonzuco
Peña Encaramada, Torca de (length: 4931m).
  Access through 3380: Peña Encaramada, Torca de
Pico del Hayal, Cueva del (+ shaft entrance) (length: 49m).
  Access through 1234: Pico del Hayal, Cueva del
Picón, Simas del (+ 1 larger shaft entrance) (length: 2717m).
  Access through 0075: Picón, Simas del
Regato, Cueva del (+ bottom entrance) (length: 1562m).
  Access through 0672: Regato, Cueva del
Regato, Cueva del (+ bottom entrance) (length: 279m).
  Access through 3494: Regato, Cueva de
Riocueva-Cañaos, Sistema de (length: 5156m).
  Access through 4043: Cañaos, Torca de los; 4085: cave (Riocueva bottom entrance); 4088: resurgence; 4087: resurgence; 4086: Riocueva 2, Cueva de; 4042: Riocueva, Cueva; 4084: shaft (capped)
Risco, Sistema del (length: 11840m).
  Access through 0025: Risco, Sima-Cueva del; 0027: Oñite, Cueva; 0026: Tiva, Cueva de
Santiago, Cueva de (+ 1 or 2 entrances?) (length: 54m).
  Access through 4002: Santiago, Cuevas de
Selvijo, Cueva del (length: 693m).
  Access through 0028: Selvijo, Cueva del; 5401: Selvijo, Cueva del (entrada 2)
Suviejo / Rayo de Sol, Sistema de (length: 5353m).
  Access through 0122: Suviejo, Cueva de; 0123: Rayo de Sol, Torca del
Three Idiots / Andando, Sistema de (length: 238m).
  Access through 2786: Three Idiots; 0689: Andando, Torca
Torca la Vaca, Sistema de (length: 23914m).
  Access through 2889: Vaca, Torca La; 3916: BigMat Calf Hole; 4182: Cuba Libre, Cueva; 4117: Doldy's Cave; 3034: Langdales, The; 0767: Wild Mare, Cave of the
Torno, Cueva del (length: 5471m).
  Access through 2366: Torno, Cueva del
Torre, Cueva del (+ 2 entrances) (length: 21m).
  Access through 4060: Torre, Cueva del
Túnel, Cueva del (+ second entrance) (length: 40m).
  Access through 0658: Túnel, Cueva del
Vallina, Cueva (length: 38591m).
  Access through 0733: Vallina, Cueva; 0753: Rotura, Torca de; 4382: Vallina (bottom entrance), Cueva
Vega Sur, Sistema (length: 34783m).
  Access through 0333: Azpilicueta, Torca de; 0040: Comellantes, Cueva del; 0264: Coterón, Torca del; 1471: Papá Noel, Torca de; 0048: Reñada, Cueva-Cubío de la; 4221: Reñada, Cueva-Cubío de la (top entrance); 0675: shaft; 1338: shaft; 0036: Vera Negra, Torca de la
Wild Horses, Cave of the (length: 220m).
  Access through 0647: Wild Horses, Cave of the (top entrance); 0509: Wild Horses, Cave of the (bottom entrance)
List generated 11 December 2024.