0048: Reñada, Cueva-Cubío de la
S Vega 30T 450348 4795561 (lower of the two entrances) (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: M) Altitude 175m
Length included in South Vega System. See Azpilicueta. Depth 39m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Resources : Logbook search : A Google search for this site (Reñada, Cueva-Cubío de la+Vega)

Updated 30th August 1998; 19th February 1999; 3rd June 2000; 23rd February, 4th March, 7th October, 26th October 2001; 20th, 28th January, 8th April , 8th June, 24th October 2002; 19th May, 13th October, 8th November 2003; 8th October 2005; 1st February, 30th September 2006; 6th May, 28th October, 17th November 2007; 29th September, 27th October, 15th November 2008; 3rd May 2009; 7th January, 18th February, 12th May, 21st June, 2nd October 2011; 18th February, 23rd April, 19th September, 28th November, 26th, 27th December 2012; 26th February, 20th April, 7th September 2013; 15th, 21st May, 12th September, 2nd December 2014; 14th, 21st May, 13th September, 17th October, 1st, 6th November 2015; 17th April, 30th November 2016; 5th February 2017; 19th May, 7th September 2017; 30th April, 30th June, 21st September 2018; 11th May, 5th September 2019; 3rd, 29th September 2021; 21st Febraury, 3rd, 6th March, 4th September 2022; 9th May, 11th September 2023; 8th February, 27th April 2024

References and other links

The following account is not complete and is in a state of flux as passages are resurveyed. Each batch of the resurvey has (or will have) its own description as part of an overall updated and improved cave description. This update will appear when more batch descriptions have been written. It may be best to have passage descriptions for various trips, eg part of the Azpilicueta through trip, the Coteron through trip, the trip to sump 1, etc.
Batch descriptions to hand (the extent of which can be seen in the Survex 3d file below)
      0048-15-14 0048-15-15
0048-15-16 0048-15-17      
0048-15-21 0048-15-22     0048-15-25

   The length of the South Vega System includes Cueva-Cubío de la Reñada (0048), Torca de Azpilicueta (0333), Torca de Papá Noel (1471), Torca de la Vera Negra (36), site 1338, Torca de Coterón (0264), site 0675, Cueva Comellantes (0040). Site 0388 may also be a future connection - through Cabaña. The water seen in these caves is all presumed to flow to Cueva del Comellantes (0040).
    A table of the depth within the South Vega System from each entrance can be seen here (before the ETRS89 maps were used in 2014). A resurvey of the cave was started in the autumn 2014 (batch 0048-14-02) and continued through Easter 2015 (batches 15-01 to 15-13), summer (up to batch 0048-15-27), autumn (batch 0048-15-28) then Easter 2016 (batches 16-01 to 16-04) when about 30m of new passage was surveyed. At Easter 2017, the main resurvey included batch 17-03 with extensions explored in batches 17-01 and 17-02.
  A single 2021 summer trip resurveyed into Blood Alley from the upper cairn on the slope up into Eagle Passage to the entry to Anastomoses Hall. This is drawn up and appears (with possible issues still to resolve) as batch 0048-21-01 on 0048.3d

   The two bottom entrances into the magnificent South Vega System. The top entrance is site 4221. The track leading from the road to the entrances had an impressive sign with the correct cave name but completely the wrong line survey! That didn't last very long.
   The water from downstream Cueva Vallina, on the south side of the hill, was proven (Easter 2015) to flow to sump 1 in Reñada and then through to Comellantes after 8 days (but not appearing in Squirrel's Passage). A positive optical brightener trace from the Hoyón depression to Comellantes was carried out at Easter 2016. It is assumed that the water flowed through parts of Reñada before entering Comellantes. A hydrology diagram for the South Vega System has been updated with the Vallina connection. (2011 version).

    The height difference between top (site 675) and bottom entrances to the South Vega System is 307m but the system depth is 317m as there is some lower level passage in Reñada. Although the cave passage accounts appearing under each heading are somewhat arbitrary it is convenient to keep the descriptions separate for historical and ease-of-access reasons.    

In 2012, a radon sensor was left in the cave from 5th August until 15th November. The result from the detector, which was placed 10m inside the bottom entrance, was 1800 +/- 250 Bq m-3. A discussion about this result and others, and further reading about radon can be found here. A detector was left near the Blow Hole in January 2013.

Infrared photos were taken of the entrances and further into the cave in August 2017.

In very wet weather the Reñada passages sump at The Blowhole and the wet crawl - The Duck. The latter low point was seen to flood in August 1996 after a few hours of moderate rain, requiring a large party to pass through on their backs. The Blowhole was passable. At Easter 2009, the crawl was sumped trapping 4 people for 6 hours. The flooding is a local, rapid response feature where a small stream rises and falls quickly. During this incident, the lakes in the entrance were only thigh deep and the blow hole was open - ie "regional" water levels were "moderate". In October 2015, a planned trip was curtailed when the lakes in the entrance series were full after 24hrs rain.
At Easter 2013 a guideline was laid through the duck. This must not be used for free diving. The "plug hole" that drains the duck was also observed in wet weather: the change from draining freely to backing up was a rapid process that explains how the duck can sump quite quickly.

The lower of the two entrances is a strongly draughting hole in the trees, 5m above the track. A large, marble plaque on the left of the entrance is dedicated to Giles Barker who died in Torca de Azpilicueta in August 1992. In April 2014 it was noticed that the plaque had been vandalised with scratched graffiti. The upper entrance (site 4221) is located at the end of a faint path that climbs the hillside, starting where the stream is crossed.

The bottom entrance, after an initial slide down, enters old, phreatic, walking-size passage, in wetter periods with knee-deep water. (Site 4506 passes over the top of the route, very close to the entrance.) A short clamber up to the left drops back to the main route and then a more bouldery area. Just back from here a squeeze up on the south side (stn 14-02.36) enters a tall calcited chamber. All routes at the top of the climb close in.
Beyond the walk over boulders, a large, well decorated chamber is entered (stn 14-02.55). Straight on ends very close to Cueva del Comellantes (0040). A low crawl at the end has been partially excavated and there is a vocal connection with Comellantes. To the south at stn 55, a large passage slopes up with a calcite floor past formations on the left wall to a small lake. This feature can be passed neck-deep in water although it is normally about waist-deep around the edges. (The Lake has been known, in the past, to disappear, leaving sticky mud to walk through.)
A clamber over boulders at far side reaches the base of a steep boulder slope, at the top of which is the upper of the Reñada entrances. Down to the left of the boulder slope, at the base of slithery calcite, is a small periodic lake and just beyond, the Blowhole. A complex series of muddy calcite climbs then lead to a pitch of 5m and almost immediately the second pitch of 8m and a sloping third pitch of 15m. These can all be bypassed by a single rope climb and a short, low crawl over rocks. A low, wet and strongly draughting crawl then enlarges as it reaches a boulder and calcite slope. By climbing up to the right Stuffed Monk Gallery is entered.

Stuffed Monk Gallery is the route to Azpilicueta and hence to Cueva-Cubio de la Reñada 2. Its 300m length is large and mainly easy walking. Numerous side passages have been pushed and some surveying in this area remains to be done. Descriptions of SMP bits. 1982,1983 etc.

In 1995, one of the avens in the roof of Stuffed Monk Gallery, 30m before it enters Sanatogen Passage, was bolted and climbed over a number of trips for about 100m to link with Torca de Vera Negra (Torca de la Cabaña) (036). This is described in the Cabaña section.

Sanatogen Passage heads south from Stuffed Monk Passage and entry is made into it under the eastern wall of the smaller passage leading to the most westerly avens. Sanatogen Passage description.

The western end of Stuffed Monk Passage was excavated at Easter 2017. After the clay squeeze and passing the Pit of Tredidation (by climbing down then up rather than a crumbly traverse), Bended Knee Passage (batch 0048-17-01) continues in sizeable passage, ending in calcite. A side passage, which continues low, has not been surveyed.

   The Zeppelin Hangers area at the end of SMP was a focus in Reñada during Easter 2019. First, a roof tube was found just off the T-Junction before the Zeppelin Hangers. The climb has a difficult start to the ascending tube. The tube continued a short way and closed down with a vertical ascending tube, which did not lead to on-going passage. A hand line was installed via a stal boss on the floor of the passage and was left in-situ. It should be used with caution as it was attempted to be removed from the base of the climb after it had been explored. It may not be secure on the boss any longer.
   (Re)surveying was started from station "Ali 4" and continued. When the surveyors approached Zeppelin Hangers, they could hear the bolting climbers still ascending, so continued on along the passage below the climb, reached a large chamber with multiple apparent ways on. The dry sandy narrow sloping passage along the right hand wall was chosen as the way to continue. A voice connection could be heard from the climbers above when in the centre of the large chamber.
   The same team returned the following day (20/4/2019) to continue surveying below and beyond the climbers. The passage from the large chamber [station 1.12] was followed down the sandy passage at the base of the right hand wall. This passage descended down a sandy slope, and then met large boulders splitting into two passageways (one leading up, with the other leading down and round to the right). The two passages loop around over the top of one another. Both were explored to their end with passage ways narrowing down and closed off with mud. The bolted Zeppelin Hanger passage had come over the top of the large chamber and, when the pitch here was descended into a large chamber, it turned out to be the chamber with the new survey markers already in. The rope was left in to allow the survey of the Zeppelin Hangers, and the subsequent de-rig after it has been surveyed. On 25/4/2019, it was inspected and thought that more bolts need installing before a safe survey can take place.
   On 22/4/2019, the same team continued surveying and exploring the large chamber. "It’s a little like Swiss cheese, with avens and pots and gaps between boulders, so half the time was sent exploring and the other half surveying." The pitch at station 1.28 was explored and there are multiple other pitches off down this section. This requires a dedicated trip to survey this complicated section.
    Back towards the entrance, a slope up near station 1.2 was bolted. The slope has a large hanging boulder wedged in the passage, with passageway appearing to lead off near the roof. The high level route was excavated on the 25/4/2019 trip and a small chamber entered with a window leading to a pot and aven. Water could be heard beyond this draughting point. A climbed up above the pitch head closes down to a tight rift leading up, likely to connect to the previously mentioned aven. This area also needs to be surveyed. Very large chamber with multiple avens leading off the steep slope.
   Survey batches 19-02 and 19-03 were surveyed with a total length of 170m.
[Zeppelin Hangers section based on logbook entries by Jess Eades]    

In 1992 a more complete resurvey of Sanatogen was started and a full description of the route needs writing up, including the 1993 extensions down pitches into a streamway with pools and the passage which almost links with At the Opera via a chamber with a slippery climb up a rift. A passage on the right hand side of Sanatogen Passage goes to a loose breakdown area of about 50m which does not seem to have been pushed.

In 1994, a 14m pitch in Sanatogen Passage descended into The Grovel where 75m of "tight and horrible" thrutch were surveyed. This goes off from station 259.

Just beyond where Blood Alley peters out, Anastomoses Hall comes in from the right. A walk to the right, under the fine anastomoses, reaches a short climb to the base of a tall rift, now called Astronomoses Aven. This was tackled in the summer of 2006 after Hanging Death Chamber was discovered in Torca de Papá Noel, some 40m above and to the west. (Photographs here). At the end of the second trip the top of the draughting rift was reached at a height of 70m and altitude 270m, with various alcoves investigated, e.g. at +30m in the southern end a sand-filled passage goes up to a small passage with no draught. A network of draughting tubes was investigated at the top and a better pitch to the base of the aven rigged.
At the top, a sloping tube can be followed to a small chamber with a 3m laddered pitch to a short, bouldery, descending passage leading to a junction. Following the left hand branch leads to the base of a large, dripping aven between 40 - 60m high. At the far end, at the base of the aven, some small passage can be entered but this degenerates into spongework. The right hand passage leads to 2 holes in the floor, the first of which terminates 10m down; the second - with a good echo and dripping - was pushed to a sizeable chamber leading to a complicated tube system and a boulder choke with a strong draught. This area was connected with  Papá Noel, not near to Hanging Death Chamber, but in the roof near to Floorless Chamber at an altitude of about 240m. The latter passages - Out of This World - are very well decorated with good helictites. The total length of new passage surveyed from the base of Astronomoses Aven to the Papá Noel link was 358m.

Near the start of Stuffed Monk Gallery, on the left, a large passage runs into the top of Blood Alley.

To the left is a veritable maze of sand and calcite-floored passages. To the right, above Blood Alley, is the main way on. (The whole of Blood Alley is endowed with fine orange and red pool formations. The fewer visits to this section, the better, as mud on boots is being washed into the pools and covering the crystals. In October 2008, photographs were taken showing the possible obliteration of the formations. It may be possible to clean both the floor and the pools.)

One hundred metres after Blood Alley, the passage splits - the right hand branch enters Anastomosis Hall with its deep phreatic pocketing and fine helictites and the left branches unite in False Floor Chamber where a thin layer of calcite can give way under foot. Passages in Anastomosis area ....

Breakdown Chamber also has some new surveyed sections (1995) which need tying in. In 1996 the choke area was revisited, but one explorer slipped with a boulder, requiring an 11 hour rescue. The choke was again visited in 1997 and a bolt route started below the East Wanders area in Torca de la Cabaña. The Australia Series in site 1332 appears to be very close above Breakdown Chamber.

A short distance beyond this chamber, a crawl on the left is the start of Squirrel's Passage which joins the main stream after a 6m climb down. A visit in 2005 noted a strong flow downstream from the Moat of Doom although water levels were low. A visit to deposit diving bottles (Easter 2011) used a ladder at the end of the higher level passage to drop down to the water. Water volume was much less than that in the Rub-a-Dub Dubs, seen the same day. Upstream a sump is met after 20m while downstream the passage continues as a series of swims and cascades to a sump after about 500m?? In 2005 the same visit to this area described blue pools (one of which is at least 20m deep and requires diving) and the need for wet suits.

 Both upstream and downstream routes were dived by Rupert Skorupka over a number of trips in the summer of 2011. Downstream – to the north - he reached 11m depth in a very complex area and then rose into a canal with no belay points. Upstream, Rupert dived 45m to chambers which are not those discovered by Dave Ryall (Easter 2009). Below and above water passages continue. The survey of the area can be seen here and a later one, here. At Easter 2014, he surveyed the upstream sump and passages, shown on the centre line as batch 0048-14-01 and, drawn up. The sump has a large cross section but ends breaking down into a number of rifts and airbells that appears to be a collecting area for streams coming from the big passages above in the main cave route.
 At Easter 2012, Rupert continued work downstream, passing his previous limit, a rock "curtain", to a parallel passage and a rock spike which was the "perfect belay". Just beyond, a return was made, surveying back to a known point. The survey data is currently on the slate left underground. The canal up to the sump has been surveyed and tied into the end of the 1982 survey. Diving from Comellantes, Chris Jewell reached Rupert's Squirrel's Passage line reel in 2012, proving the Reñada-Comellantes link. As the amount of water in Squirrel's Passage is much less than the volume flowing from the resurgence, it would appear that a major "inlet" carrying the Reñada stream has been missed. Further points about this flow are raised in the Comellantes description. This was confirmed by the Easter 2015 water tracing from Vallina, when sump 1 and Comellantes gave a positive result but not Squirrel's Passage.

Just beyond Breakdown Chamber a sump is met at the bottom of a slope. This was dived to open passage at Easter 2009 and the data needs tying in with the main line, although the surveyed dive length has been included in the SVS traverse length. At the far point, faint contact was made with the sherpas. The dive log is found here and the survey (summer 2010) tying in the dive to the start of Squirrel's Passage (a large cairn marked "Station 11") here. "New" passage was surveyed on this surveying trip - an inlet series off the south side of Breakdown Chamber, ending at a large aven.

At Easter 2012, a short dig entered "good-sized" passage with "lots of leads". This is at the start of Crowbar Passage, perhaps linking in some way with the survey carried out when Dave Ryall dived. Like that survey, the length of batch 0048-12-01 (220m) has been included in the SVS length. This survey is now the "definitive" one of that area.

The main route continues up into Crowbar Passage. This is a series of roped climbs and traverses over holes in the floor to Castle Hall. (The Castle Hall "?" is a 9m climb which appears to slope up with a rift going off). A delicate climb down over boulders leads (after meeting the small stream presumed to come from Torca de Coterón) to a huge sloping rift and a climb up into the continuation. The streamway in Castle Hall is the Moat of Doom, surveyed during the summer 2002. Down to the left Gallery of the Dead contains a hole in the wall which leads after 30m to the base of the 70m pitch in from Torca de Coterón. The Gallery loops round to join the ramp just before Ghost Lake. On the ramp, a short side passage needs surveying.

Ghost Lake has 60m of swimming or lined walking / wading on the right hand wall that leads to Mega Hall - a large, boulder-floored chamber and then, straightforwardly to the main, large river passage which ends at the downstream end of Sump 1 after 120m. Up on the north side of the passage, just before the sump, a dig was started at Easter 2017 to possibly bypass the sump. This is Broken Knee Dig (batch 0048-17-02) and progress is difficult having to excavate clarty clay.
The sump descends to 8m and is 30m long, emerging in Cueva-Cubio de la Reñada 2 (described next and on the Torca de Azpilicueta page).

This point is downstream of the pitch into Giga Hall which leads to the impressive 20m diameter sump 1 pool and chamber. Upstream 200m of large vadose canyon (The Rub-a-Dub Dubs) can be followed. The stream emerges from a passage on the left which sumps after 60m. This was dived in August 2002 in a large, continuing, unsurveyed  passage heading west for about 70m. This sump was dived at Easter 2011 by Rupert Skorupka who passed Mark's limit to reach 150m and 15m depth in a gently descending, 4 - 5m wide tunnel. At the end, the roof was not visible. (Survey) There appears to be much less water in Squirrel's Passage in Reñada than in the Rub-a-Dub Dubs.

A high level series can be entered on the same line as the vadose trench, by climbing up a boulder slope. A 10m wide breakdown passage ends in boulders while a 1.5m diameter tube in the left hand wall gives access to an unsurveyed phreatic maze in which an unexplored 20m aven is seen with passages leading off at various levels.

Back at the boulder slope, a 3m climb to the south enters another maze of phreatic passages which have been surveyed for 125m to a 20m undescended pit. This is thought to be the aven seen in the first maze.

There are two possible upstream sumps. One in the lake itself and a second at the start of the active streamway. (NEIL'S BIT above).

The Ghost Lake to sump 1 section was resurveyed in 2001 and about 135m of "new" passage was added. This requires a description. At Christmas 2001, passage found in November on the true left just before Bootlace Passage was surveyed to give another 113m. This was described as a "pitch / aven inlet some 30m+ high and may be worth bolting. In the large chamber beyond there may be a route over boulders to glory (could require scaffolding)". This Itchy Crutch area was subsequently dropped into down a 138m pitch from Torca de Papá Noel in the summer of 2003. The "route over boulders" was bolted up into a bouldery chamber in July 2019. Etriers were used to keep away from the boulders to reach a large chamber full of house-size boulders. A small passage can be climbed to reached the roof (boulder) level but no way on could be found. The extension (batch 0048-19-04; length 46m) finishes very close to Papa Noel 1471. (Photos)

Bootlace Passage is entered via a 5m pitch and starts as a high rift passage on the left of the main route between Ghost Lake and Mega Hall. A climb through boulders enters a large chamber with boulder climbs of 60m vertical which could still be pushed??? The rift passage ends at a 17m pitch into Two Sumps Chamber with water rising and sinking in sumps.

In 1997 Fred Winstanley dived the sump at the end of the flood overflow passage. The passage slopes down over rubble and, at 7m depth enters a rift passage which continues for some 60m to a junction. Left here leads to 70m of rising passage which surfaces. After 60m the passage enters the main route near Ghost Lake. The passage to the right at the junction seems to be the main way on. It would be easier to kit up from the main chamber rather than at the bottom of Two Sumps Chamber. The total length of sump passage is about 180m and is called Busman's Holiday.

Opposite the Two Sumps Chamber pitch head is a black hole which is the route through to Torca de Coterón. A tricky traverse on the right ends at a bolt where a ladder can be dropped down onto boulders. The route is then straightforward in typical breakdown style with the odd side passage. Two hundred and fifty metres from the traverse a dangerous dig enters a more complex area. To the right, chossy passages and chambers close in under 300m of limestone; to the left, dusty passage heads north to a junction, then east to a narrow passage rising up to join the Candy Floss Series in Torca de Coterón.

By continuing north at the junction, an incompletely explored maze and more dry passages lead to a chamber with a pitch and a one bolt climb to : Rest of account from 1984-1985 needed here.

Bootlace links with Frank's Passage 1987

Notenboom in Research on the Groundwater Fauna of Spain: List of Stations and First Results (Notenboom J and Meijers I, 1985) gives a list of fauna, collected from the river and from a pool at the start of Crowbar Passage: Pseudoniphargus, Haploginglymus, Echinogammarus/Gammarus, Cantabroniscus, Cyclopoidea, Prosobranchia/Hydrobioidea, Pulmonata / Basommatophora, Insecta, Oligochaeta, Asellidae and Turbellaria.

   Biological sampling was undertaken as part of a research project at Easter 2014.

   Over Easter 2018, the Matienzo Karst Entomology Project (led by Tom Thompson) followed up previous work by collecting bugs, spot sampling and setting pitfall traps in a number of sites under a Cantabria-wide permit. The Entomology Project carried out some work in this cave. Traps were retrieved and spot sampling was carried out over Easter 2019. Photos were also taken.

   Various bats were noted by Jess Eades near the top entrance in April 2019: greater horseshoe, lesser horseshoe, Natterer's bat and an unidentified bat. In early August, 2023, a greater horseshoe bat was seen in an alcove near the top entrance and another, unidentified, at Easter 2024.

   On the day of Chris and Carol's wedding in August 2018, the groom and a number of guests had a time-constrained trip to the Stuffed Monk area of the cave. (Photos by Phil Papard)

The speleo club Viana (from Guadalajara) have published a number of documents (descriptions & surveys, including gpx, pdf and jpg files) relating to the system. See their Cantabria page and the Zona de Matienzo section.

Link to entry in the Cave Diving Sump Index.

References: Fernández Gutiérrez et al, 1966 (survey); anon., 1974b (logbook); Cope J, 1974; anon., 1974a (survey and photo); Cox G, 1973; Fernández Gutiérrez J C, 1975; anon., 1975b (Easter and summer logbooks); Kendal Caving Club and Manchester University Speleological Society, 1975 (survey and photo); anon., 1977b (logbook); Manchester University Speleological Society, 1982 (survey); anon., 1980a (logbook); Corrin J et al, 1981b; Corrin J, 1980; Mills L D J, 1981; Mills L D J and Waltham A C, 1981 (survey and photo); Corrin J S and Smith P, 1981; anon., 1981a (logbook); Corrin J et al, 1981a (survey); Corrin J, 1981 (survey); anon., 1982 (logbook); Addis F, 1982 (survey); Smith P, 1982b; Corrin J, 1983c (photo); anon., 1983b (logbook); Corrin J, 1983b (survey); anon., 1984 (logbook); Cawthorne Bob, 1985b; Cawthorne B, 1985a; Barrington P and Hanson D, 1984; Corrin J, 1983a (survey); anon., 1985b (logbook); Corrin J, 1986 (survey); anon., 1986 (logbook); Corrin J, 1987; material in file; anon., 1987 (logbook); Garcia J L, 1987; anon., 1988 (logbook); Notenboom J and Meijers I, 1985; Corrin J and Knights S, 1988; anon., 1989 (logbook); Corrin J, 1992a (survey); Cawthorne B, 1992; Corrin J, 1992b (survey); anon., 1993b (logbook); Neill Alasdair and Jackson Keith, 1993; Cawthorne R, 1993; Corrin J, 1994a; Corrin Juan, 1995b; anon., 1994b (logbook); Neill A, 1994; Corrin J, 1994b (survey and photo); Fernández Acebo Virgilio, 1995; anon., 1995a (Easter logbook); anon., 1995c (logbook); Corrin Juan, 1995a; anon., 1996b (logbook); Corrin Juan, 1997a (survey); Corrin Juan, 1997b; anon., 1997b (logbook); Corrin Juan, 1998; Fernández Ortega F, Valls Uriol and Maria del Carmen, 1998 (photo); anon., 1998d (logbook); García José León, 1997 (survey); Corrin Juan, 1997c; anon., 1999c (logbook); anon., 2001c (Summer logbook); anon., 2001e (autumn logbook); Corrin Juan, 2001a; anon., 2002e (February logbook); anon., 2002a (Easter logbook); anon., 2002b (summer logbook); anon., 2003b (Easter logbook); Corrin Juan, 2003a; Corrin Juan, 2003b (photo); anon., 2003c (summer logbook); Corrin Juan, 2003c; Corrin Juan, 2005; anon., 2005b (Easter & summer); Corrin Juan, 2006a; anon., 2006d (summer logbook); Corrin Juan, 2007; Corrin Juan and Smith Peter, 2007 (photo); anon., 2008f (autumn logbook); anon., 2009a (Easter logbook); anon., 2010c (summer logbook); Corrin Juan, 2010; León García José, 2010 (Volume 1 and Volume 2) (line survey section and photos); Smith Pete, 2011; Corrin Juan, 2011; anon., 2011b (Easter logbook); anon., 2011c (Whit logbook); anon., 2011d (summer logbook); anon., 2012b (Easter logbook); anon., 2012d (summer logbook); anon., 2012e (autumn logbook); Corrin Juan, 2013a; anon., 2013b (Easter logbook); anon., 2013d (summer logbook); anon., 2014b (Easter logbook); anon., 2014c (summer logbook); anon., 2014d (autumn logbook); Papard Philip, Corrin Juan and Smith Peter, 2014; anon., 2015b (Easter logbook); anon., 2015c (summer logbook); anon., 2015d (autumn logbook); anon., 2016b (Easter logbook); anon., 2016c (summer logbook); Thomson Tom, 2016; anon., 2017a (January, February logbook); anon., 2017b (Easter logbook); anon., 2017c (aummer logbook); anon., 2018b (Easter logbook); anon., 2018c (aummer logbook); anon., 2019b (Easter logbook); anon., 2019d (summer logbook); anon., 2022a (January, February logbook); Scaife C, 2022; Corrin Juan, 2022; anon., 2022c (summer logbook); anon., 2023b (Easter logbook); anon., 2023c (summer logbook); anon., 2024a (January, February logbook); anon., 2024b (Easter logbook)
Many references in Azpilicueta also refer to 0048.
Entrance pictures : marble plaque : 2006, 2014 : 2014
Underground picture(s):
Pictures from around Stuffed Monk Passage and beyond, summer 2023 : pendants in Anastomoses Hall summer 2023
Pictures from around Stuffed Monk Passage and beyond, Easter 2023: batch 1, batch 2
Pictures from around Stuffed Monk and Blood Alley (summer 2021)
Stuffed Monk Gallery  Entrance passage   Near Stuffed Monk
Pictures from Boulder hall, Itchy Crutch Series (summer 2019)
Mainly formations in the entrance series, Easter 2019 : Mainly pictures of bats near the top entrance, Easter 2019
Pictures from the entrance series, including the Entomology Project in action (April 2018)
Infrared pictures at the entrances and in the cave. (August 2017)
Pictures from the Cave Monitoring Conference "Sporting Trip" (Easter 2017)
Pictures of Crowbar Passage & misc. and Broken Knee Dig above sump 1 (Easter 2017)
Pictures of the wall climb in the entrance off station 36 (Easter 2017)
Pictures of family trips, bottom to top entrance (Easter 2017)
Pictures from the entrance passages (January 2017)
Pictures from activities over the summer 2015
Pictures from the top entrance, various entrance series climbs and misc pictures (Easter 2015)
Pictures from the OBA Leucophor water tracing from Cueva Vallina (Easter 2015)
Pictures from entrance series through to Sanatogen Passage (autumn 2014)
Pictures from entrance series (summer 2014)
Pictures from entrance series (Easter 2014)
Pictures from D3 series (summer 2013)
Pictures from entrance series (summer 2012)
Pictures from Squirrel's Passage upstream dive (summer 2011)
Pictures from the entrance passages to Stuffed Monk area (summer 2011)
Pictures from the sump 1 area (Easter 2011)
Pictures from entrance passages (2011 February)
Pictures from near Eagle Passage and the Blow Hole (autumn 2008)
Pictures showing the obliteration with mud of the Blood Alley formations and other issues (autumn 2008 and pictures from the 1970's)
Pictures from the summer, 2008 by Mandy Fu and Mike Topsom
Pictures from the 2006 explorations up Astronomoses Aven through to Floorless Chamber in Papá Noel
Pictures from the entrance passages of Reñada by Andy Morse
Pictures in Reñada up to Stuffed Monk by Jonas Binladen
Pictures in the Moat of Doom, below Castle Hall by Pete Smith
Pictures (scanned slides) from John Forder
Pictures (scanned slides) taken in 1977, 1980 and 1982 by Frank Addis
Videos: Listed on a separate page (latest - summer 2017, 2022, 2023)
Detailed Surveys :
1965 known cave low res high res
1974 Original 1974 survey   high res
1974 Original 1974 survey with Cabaña (N top)   high res
1974 Original 1974 survey with Cabaña   high res
1975 Reñada 2 low res high res
1981 Bootlace Passage low res high res
1981 known cave (simplified) low res high res
1982 photo 1982 SVS 1:2000 survey low res
from rescue site simplified Azpilicueta, Reñada, Coteron low res high res
2010 Dave Ryall 2009 dive and inlet pdf file
2011 Terry Whitaker SVS hydrology pdf file
2012 Squirrel's Passage area survey pdf file
2012 Squirrel's Passage area survey jpg file
2012 after summer Squirrel's Passage area survey pdf file
2013 after summer Squirrel's Passage area survey pdf file
2014 Easter Squirrel's Passage upstream survey jpg file
2014 autumn Entrance series resurvey pdf file
2015 Easter Entrance series resurvey batch 0048_15_05 pdf file
2015 Easter Entrance series resurvey + Zepplin part pdf file
2015 summer More resurvey incl W & N Stuffed Monk pdf file
2015 autumn More resurvey + N heading ext in Comell. pdf file
2016 Easter More resurvey + Comellantes pdf file
2017 Easter New & more resurvey (17-01 - 17-03) pdf file
2018 summer Itchy Crutch (2001) drawn up; corrections pdf file
2019 after summer

Zeppelin Hangers survey (19-01 - 03)
Itchy Crutch extension (19-04)

pdf file
2021 after summer

Blood Alley (21-01)

pdf file

On area survey : South Vega System line survey : On scanned 1982 South Vega System survey
Survex file : download South Vega System (incl 2019 summer, to be updated) : standalone survey including summer 2021 (Amended magnetic declination December 2013 to align with Eur79 grid and coordinates altered to fit ETRS89 datum, April 2014. Also includes the 'correct' entry point to Anastomoses Hall and connection up to Papa Noel) : Breakdown Chamber/D3 area/Squirrel's Passage 2013 (some parts not yet teased out into the main survey)
Passage direction rose diagram: 30/6/2018 : South Vega System (30/6/2018)