0961: Mazo, Cueva del
Ogarrio 30T 456368 4793035 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 141m
Length 70m included in Sistema del Mazo-Chopo Depth 11m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 18th January 2004; 19th February 2022

Shown in Actividades Regionales. Exploraciones en Cantabria (anon., 1993a) as site 31. A decorated gallery leads to a chamber which may require a handline or ladder to drop into. There is an impenetrable route through to Cueva del Chopo (5151).

Reference: anon., 1993a (survey); Asociación Espeleológica Conquense Lobetum, 1995?; anon., 2022a (January, February logbook)
Entrance picture : 2022
Underground pictures: 2022
Detailed Survey : from anon., 1993a (AEC Lobetum): high res   low res
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file :