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Flowers around Matienzo
The tables below have been compiled by Penny Corrin. Assistance and/or advice and/or more photos have been provided by Juan Corrin, Linda Dickinson, Peter Smith, Patrick Warren and Terry Whitaker. Tables are presented in order of English name, English generic name, Latin name and colour. (124 records. Updated 24/6/2012) |
It can be quite difficult to identify some of the flowers around Matienzo. The area is at the periphery of "Britain and Northern Europe" and is also partly "Alpine". In addition, some Matienzo wild flowers appear to be subtly different to their "Northern European" counterparts. The photos box on the right of each table has been given a colour relating to the main colour of the flower. A limited palette has been used and certain shades have been included (in brackets) within the given colour, ie red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple (mauve, indigo, violet), pink and white (cream). This flower table feature may be of some assistance, but certain plants may have flowers of more than one colour and there may be a confusing gradation through purple to blue, mauve to pink, and white to yellow, etc. |
Matienzo Flowers - English name orderJump to English generic name order Jump to Latin name order Jump to colour order TOP of page |
English name |
Latin name |
Habitat (and flowering time) |
Photos |
Alpine gentian | Gentiana alpina | hillside (Late Spring and Summer) | |
Arzolla | Carduncellus mitissimus | dry grasslands and calcareous slopes (summer) | |
Astrantia | Astrantia major | Woods / mountain meadows (June - September) | |
Auricula | Primula auricular qry | roadsides (Spring) | |
Autumn crocus | Colchicum autumnale | short grass; high on hills (Autumn into Winter) | |
Barren strawberry | Potentilla sterilus | dry grassland, open woods (February - May) | |
Bartsia qry | Bartsia qry | ||
Bee orchid | Ophrys apifera | limestone (May - June) | |
Bird's foot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | meadows and roadsides (May - September) | |
Birdseye primrose | Primula farinosa | grassy places in hills (May - July) | |
Black medick | Medicago lupulina | roadsides and rocky places (April - October) | |
Bog pimpernel | Anagallis tenella | bogs (May - September) | |
Bugle | Ajuga reptans | damp woods (Spring and Summer) | |
Butterwort, common | Pinguicula vulgaris | ||
Caper spurge | Euphorbia lathyrus | widespread (May - July) | |
Clustered bellflower | Campanula glomerata | grassland on lime (June - October) | |
Columbine | Aquilegia vulgaris | grassy banks and roadsides (Late Spring) | |
Comfrey, common | Symphytum offiicinale | wide spread (April-June) | |
Cornish heath | Erica vagans | dry heathland (July - September) | |
Cow-wheat, common | Melampyrum pratense | woods, heaths, grasslands (May - September) | |
Cuckoo flower/ Lady's smock | Cardamine pratentis | grassy area - meadows (March - April) | |
Cut-leaved Crane's-bill-qry | Geranium dissectum | hedgebanks and cultivated land (Spring and summer) | |
Cut-leaved self-heal | Prunella laciniata | dry grassy and bare places (June - October) | |
Daisy | Bellis perennis | meadows, roadside, grassy places (most of year) | |
Dandelion, common | Taraxacum officinale | widespread (all year) | |
Devilsbit scabious | Succisa pratensis | damp grassy areas (June - October) | |
Dog violet | Viola riviniana | very widespread (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Dog's tooth violet | Erythronium denscanis | grassy hillsides (Spring) | |
Dove's foot cranesbill qry | Geranium molle qry | bare grassy places (April to September) | |
Early purple orchid | Orchis mascula | woods, scrub and grassland (April - June) | |
Euphorbia | Euphorbia | widespread (Spring - Autumn) | |
Fairy foxglove | Erinus alpinus | rocks, screes (May - October) | |
Fen sow thistle | Sonchus palustris | damp areas (May - August) | |
Field forgetmenot | Myosotis arvensis | roadsides and field edges (April - October) | |
Field madder | Sherardia arvenis | bare and cultivated ground (May - September) | |
Field scabious | Knautia arvensis | roadsides and field margins (May - October) | |
Fragrant orchid qry | Gymnadenia conopsea | grass land (June - July) | |
Garland flower | Daphne cneorum | very widespread - rocky hillsides (Spring) | |
Germander speedwell | Veronica chamaedrys | grassy roadsides (Spring) | |
Globularia | Globularia vulgaris | widespread (Spring) | |
Gorse | Ulex europaeus | heaths / grassland (All year) | |
Greater butterfly orchid qry.jpg | Platanthera chlorantha qry.jpg | open grassland (May - June) | |
Greater cuckoo flower | Cardamine raphanifolia | damp, shaded places by rivers and lakes (Spring) | |
Greater stitchwort | Stellaria holostea | field edges (Spring into Summer) | |
Green hellebore | Helloborus virides | widespread (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Ground ivy | Glechoma hederacea | widespread (April - June) | |
Hairy rockcress | Arabis hirsuta | moist to dry, usually calcareous, open situations (April - August) | |
Harebell | Campanula rotundifolia | dry grassland and heath (July - October) | |
Hawk beard | Crepis | widespread (Spring, summer) | |
Hawkweed | Hieracium | ||
Hedge mustard | Sisymbrium officinale | disturbed ground (April - August) | |
Hedgerow cranesbill | Geranium pyrenaicum | hedgerows, roadsides, field margins, rough grassy banks and waste places (May - August) | |
Herb robert | Geranium robertianum | very widespread (All year) | |
Hoary Alison | Berteroa incana | waste and cultivated ground (April - November) | |
Hoop petticoat daffodil | Narcissus bulbocodium | grassy hillsides (Spring) | |
Ivy Broomrape | Orobanchaceae hederae | on Ivy (June - September) | |
Ivy leaved toadflax | Cymbalaria muralis | walls (Spring to Autumn) | |
Ivy-leaved bellflower qry | Wahlenbergia hederacea qry | damp places (June - August) | |
Kerry lily | Simethis planifolia | heathy and rocky places (May - June) | |
Lesser celandine | Ranunculus ficaria | damp places (Spring) | |
Liverleaf | Hepatica nobilis | open woodland (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Mallow, common | Malva sylvestris | growing freely in fields and hedgerows (May - September) | |
Martagon lily | Lilium martagon | Wood / scrub / mountain grassy areas (June - July) | |
Meadow buttercup | Ranunculus acris | meadows and damp grassland (April - July) | |
MeadowCranes'-bill | Geranium pratense | meadows & grassy places on limestone (June - September) | |
Milkweed, common | Polygala vulgaris | grassy places (April - September) | |
Mountain milkwort | Polygala alpestris | Pastures, usually on limestone (May - August) | |
Mouse-ear, common | Cerastium fontanum | waste and cultivated ground and grassland (April - November) | |
Musk mallow | Malva moschata | grassy places, pastures, hedgebanks etc, especially on rich soils (June - August) | |
Musk thistle qry | Carduus nutans qry | calcareous soil (April - August) | |
Narrow leaved vetch | Vicia angustifolia | dry banks, meadows and grssy waste places (April - September) | |
Narrow-leafed lungwort | Pulmonaria longifolia | shady places (Spring into summer) | |
Northern dragonhead | Dracocephalum ruyschiana | dry grassy places (Summer) | |
Nottingham catchfly | Silene nutans | dry roadsides (Spring) | |
Orchid qry | Orchidaceae | ||
Ox-eye daisy | Leucanthemum vulgare | roadsides and waste places (May - September) | |
Oxlip | Primula elatior | grassy slopes (Spring) | |
Perennial flax | Linum perenne | grassland (Spring into Summer) | |
Perforate St John's Wort | Hypericum perforatum | woods / heaths (July - October) | |
Prickly sow thistle | Sonchus asper | disturbed areas such as fields, gardens, roadsides, waste areas (May - August) | |
Primrose | Primula vulgaris | grassy banks (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Pyramidal orchid | Anacamptis pyramidalis | On limestone (June - August) | |
Pyrenean germander | Teucrium pyrenaicum | on limestone (May - August) | |
qry-09 | qry-09 | ||
Ramping-fumitory, comon | Fumaria muralis | roadsides (May to September) | |
Red deadnettle | Lamium purpureum | roadsides (All year) | |
Rock cinquefoil | Potentilla rupestris | rocky slopes (Late Winter into Spring) | |
Rockrose, common | Helianthemum nummularium | rocky hillsides (Spring and Summer) | |
Round-headed Rampion qry | Phyteuma tenerum qry | dry grass land on lime (July - August) | |
Saxifrage | Saxifraga canaliculata | between rocks high up on a mountain | |
Scarlet pimpernel | Anagallis arvensis | very widespread (All year) | |
Shrubby gromwell | Lithodora oleifolia | very widespread above valley bottom (All year) | |
Smooth sow-thistle | Sonchus oleraceus | waste ground and cultivated land (April - November) | |
solanum-family-qry-Nightshade-qry-01 | solanum-family-qry-Nightshade-qry-01 | roadside (May - ?) | |
Sorrel, common | Rumex acetosa | meadows, by streams and in open places in woodland (May - August) | |
Spanish bluebell | Endymion hispanicus | woods, scrub, hedge banks (April - June) | |
Spotted orchid,common | Dactylorhiza fuchsii | on limestone (May - August) | |
Spring heath | Erica herbacea | hillsides (May - September) | |
Spring sqill | Scilla verna | grassy hillsides (Spring) | |
Spurge laurel | Daphne laureola | often between clints (Spring into Summer) | |
Star of Bethlehem, common | Ornithogalum umbellatum | grassy places (Spring into early Summer) | |
Sticky flax | Linum viscosum | rocky ground on hills (May - August) | |
Toadflax | Linaria | ||
Tormentil | Potentilla erecta | waste and grassy places (May - September) | |
Trailing rose | Rosa arvensis | hedges / scrub (May - July) | |
Upright bedstraw qry | Galium album | pastures, grassy banks, etc., especially on dry calcareous soils (June - September) | |
Valerian, common | Valeriana officinalis | roadsides and walls (June - August) | |
Vetch, common | Vicia sativa | Bare or grassy ground (April - September) | |
Viper's bugloss | Echium vulgare | meadows and dry rocky places (Summer) | |
Warty cabbage qry | Bunias orientalis | waste places (May - August) | |
White asphodel | Asphodelus alba | grassy banks (Spring) | |
Wild basil qry | Clinopodium vulgare qry | dry grassy places (July - September) | |
Wild Carrot / Queen Anne's Lace | Daucus carota | grassy places (June - September) | |
Wild Madder | Rubia peregrina | thickets, bushes, hedges, stony ground and along roads and paths, preferring dry soils (May - August) | |
Wild strawberry | Fragaria vesca | wide spread (April-July) | |
Wild thyme | Thymus serpyllum | dry grassland, usually on calcareous soils (May - September) | |
Wild turnip | Brassica rapa | disturbed ground (Spring - early summer) | |
Wolfsbane | Aconitum vulparia | shady, damp places (May - August) | |
Wood anemone | Anemone nemorosa | shady woodland (Late Winter and Spring) | |
Wood sorrel | Oxalis acetosella | moist woods, moorland and on shady rocks (March - May) | |
Yellow archangel | Lamiastrum galeobdolon | woods (Spring) | |
Yellow crucifer qry | Cruciferae | ||
Yellow Oxalis (Wood-sorrel) | Oxalis corniculata | Dry open bare places and cultivated ground (May - October) | |
Yellow rattle | Rhinanthus minor | grassy places (May - September) |
Matienzo Flowers - English generic name orderJump to English name order Jump to Latin name order Jump to colour order TOP of page |
English name |
Latin name |
Habitat (and flowering time) |
Photos |
Wood anemone | Anemone nemorosa | shady woodland (Late Winter and Spring) | |
Yellow archangel | Lamiastrum galeobdolon | woods (Spring) | |
Arzolla | Carduncellus mitissimus | dry grasslands and calcareous slopes (summer) | |
White asphodel | Asphodelus alba | grassy banks (Spring) | |
Astrantia | Astrantia major | Woods / mountain meadows (June - September) | |
Bartsia qry | Bartsia qry | ||
Wild basil qry | Clinopodium vulgare qry | dry grassy places (July - September) | |
Upright bedstraw qry | Galium album | pastures, grassy banks, etc., especially on dry calcareous soils (June - September) | |
Clustered bellflower | Campanula glomerata | grassland on lime (June - October) | |
Ivy-leaved bellflower qry | Wahlenbergia hederacea qry | damp places (June - August) | |
Spanish bluebell | Endymion hispanicus | woods, scrub, hedge banks (April - June) | |
Ivy Broomrape | Orobanchaceae hederae | on Ivy (June - September) | |
Bugle | Ajuga reptans | damp woods (Spring and Summer) | |
Viper's bugloss | Echium vulgare | meadows and dry rocky places (Summer) | |
Meadow buttercup | Ranunculus acris | meadows and damp grassland (April - July) | |
Butterwort, common | Pinguicula vulgaris | ||
Warty cabbage qry | Bunias orientalis | waste places (May - August) | |
Caper spurge | Euphorbia lathyrus | widespread (May - July) | |
Wild Carrot / Queen Anne's Lace | Daucus carota | grassy places (June - September) | |
Nottingham catchfly | Silene nutans | dry roadsides (Spring) | |
Lesser celandine | Ranunculus ficaria | damp places (Spring) | |
Rock cinquefoil | Potentilla rupestris | rocky slopes (Late Winter into Spring) | |
Columbine | Aquilegia vulgaris | grassy banks and roadsides (Late Spring) | |
Comfrey, common | Symphytum offiicinale | wide spread (April-June) | |
Cow-wheat, common | Melampyrum pratense | woods, heaths, grasslands (May - September) | |
Dove's foot cranesbill qry | Geranium molle qry | bare grassy places (April to September) | |
Hedgerow cranesbill | Geranium pyrenaicum | hedgerows, roadsides, field margins, rough grassy banks and waste places (May - August) | |
Cut-leaved Crane's-bill-qry | Geranium dissectum | hedgebanks and cultivated land (Spring and summer) | |
Autumn crocus | Colchicum autumnale | short grass; high on hills (Autumn into Winter) | |
Yellow crucifer qry | Cruciferae | ||
Cuckoo flower/ Lady's smock | Cardamine pratentis | grassy area - meadows (March - April) | |
Greater cuckoo flower | Cardamine raphanifolia | damp, shaded places by rivers and lakes (Spring) | |
Hoop petticoat daffodil | Narcissus bulbocodium | grassy hillsides (Spring) | |
Daisy | Bellis perennis | meadows, roadside, grassy places (most of year) | |
Ox-eye daisy | Leucanthemum vulgare | roadsides and waste places (May - September) | |
Dandelion, common | Taraxacum officinale | widespread (all year) | |
Red deadnettle | Lamium purpureum | roadsides (All year) | |
Northern dragonhead | Dracocephalum ruyschiana | dry grassy places (Summer) | |
Euphorbia | Euphorbia | widespread (Spring - Autumn) | |
Perennial flax | Linum perenne | grassland (Spring into Summer) | |
Sticky flax | Linum viscosum | rocky ground on hills (May - August) | |
Field forgetmenot | Myosotis arvensis | roadsides and field edges (April - October) | |
Fairy foxglove | Erinus alpinus | rocks, screes (May - October) | |
Ramping-fumitory, comon | Fumaria muralis | roadsides (May to September) | |
Garland flower | Daphne cneorum | very widespread - rocky hillsides (Spring) | |
Alpine gentian | Gentiana alpina | hillside (Late Spring and Summer) | |
MeadowCranes'-bill | Geranium pratense | meadows & grassy places on limestone (June - September) | |
Pyrenean germander | Teucrium pyrenaicum | on limestone (May - August) | |
Globularia | Globularia vulgaris | widespread (Spring) | |
Gorse | Ulex europaeus | heaths / grassland (All year) | |
Shrubby gromwell | Lithodora oleifolia | very widespread above valley bottom (All year) | |
Harebell | Campanula rotundifolia | dry grassland and heath (July - October) | |
Hawk beard | Crepis | widespread (Spring, summer) | |
Hawkweed | Hieracium | ||
Cornish heath | Erica vagans | dry heathland (July - September) | |
Spring heath | Erica herbacea | hillsides (May - September) | |
Green hellebore | Helloborus virides | widespread (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Herb robert | Geranium robertianum | very widespread (All year) | |
Hoary Alison | Berteroa incana | waste and cultivated ground (April - November) | |
Ground ivy | Glechoma hederacea | widespread (April - June) | |
Spurge laurel | Daphne laureola | often between clints (Spring into Summer) | |
Kerry lily | Simethis planifolia | heathy and rocky places (May - June) | |
Martagon lily | Lilium martagon | Wood / scrub / mountain grassy areas (June - July) | |
Liverleaf | Hepatica nobilis | open woodland (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Narrow-leafed lungwort | Pulmonaria longifolia | shady places (Spring into summer) | |
Field madder | Sherardia arvenis | bare and cultivated ground (May - September) | |
Wild Madder | Rubia peregrina | thickets, bushes, hedges, stony ground and along roads and paths, preferring dry soils (May - August) | |
Mallow, common | Malva sylvestris | growing freely in fields and hedgerows (May - September) | |
Musk mallow | Malva moschata | grassy places, pastures, hedgebanks etc, especially on rich soils (June - August) | |
Black medick | Medicago lupulina | roadsides and rocky places (April - October) | |
Milkweed, common | Polygala vulgaris | grassy places (April - September) | |
Mountain milkwort | Polygala alpestris | Pastures, usually on limestone (May - August) | |
Mouse-ear, common | Cerastium fontanum | waste and cultivated ground and grassland (April - November) | |
Hedge mustard | Sisymbrium officinale | disturbed ground (April - August) | |
Bee orchid | Ophrys apifera | limestone (May - June) | |
Early purple orchid | Orchis mascula | woods, scrub and grassland (April - June) | |
Fragrant orchid qry | Gymnadenia conopsea | grass land (June - July) | |
Greater butterfly orchid qry.jpg | Platanthera chlorantha qry.jpg | open grassland (May - June) | |
Orchid qry | Orchidaceae | ||
Pyramidal orchid | Anacamptis pyramidalis | On limestone (June - August) | |
Spotted orchid,common | Dactylorhiza fuchsii | on limestone (May - August) | |
Oxlip | Primula elatior | grassy slopes (Spring) | |
Bog pimpernel | Anagallis tenella | bogs (May - September) | |
Scarlet pimpernel | Anagallis arvensis | very widespread (All year) | |
Birdseye primrose | Primula farinosa | grassy places in hills (May - July) | |
Primrose | Primula vulgaris | grassy banks (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Auricula | Primula auricular qry | roadsides (Spring) | |
qry-09 | qry-09 | ||
Round-headed Rampion qry | Phyteuma tenerum qry | dry grass land on lime (July - August) | |
Yellow rattle | Rhinanthus minor | grassy places (May - September) | |
Hairy rockcress | Arabis hirsuta | moist to dry, usually calcareous, open situations (April - August) | |
Rockrose, common | Helianthemum nummularium | rocky hillsides (Spring and Summer) | |
Trailing rose | Rosa arvensis | hedges / scrub (May - July) | |
Saxifrage | Saxifraga canaliculata | between rocks high up on a mountain | |
Devilsbit scabious | Succisa pratensis | damp grassy areas (June - October) | |
Field scabious | Knautia arvensis | roadsides and field margins (May - October) | |
Cut-leaved self-heal | Prunella laciniata | dry grassy and bare places (June - October) | |
solanum-family-qry-Nightshade-qry-01 | solanum-family-qry-Nightshade-qry-01 | roadside (May - ?) | |
Sorrel, common | Rumex acetosa | meadows, by streams and in open places in woodland (May - August) | |
Wood sorrel | Oxalis acetosella | moist woods, moorland and on shady rocks (March - May) | |
Fen sow thistle | Sonchus palustris | damp areas (May - August) | |
Smooth sow-thistle | Sonchus oleraceus | waste ground and cultivated land (April - November) | |
Germander speedwell | Veronica chamaedrys | grassy roadsides (Spring) | |
Spring sqill | Scilla verna | grassy hillsides (Spring) | |
Perforate St John's Wort | Hypericum perforatum | woods / heaths (July - October) | |
Star of Bethlehem, common | Ornithogalum umbellatum | grassy places (Spring into early Summer) | |
Greater stitchwort | Stellaria holostea | field edges (Spring into Summer) | |
Barren strawberry | Potentilla sterilus | dry grassland, open woods (February - May) | |
Wild strawberry | Fragaria vesca | wide spread (April-July) | |
Musk thistle qry | Carduus nutans qry | calcareous soil (April - August) | |
Prickly sow thistle | Sonchus asper | disturbed areas such as fields, gardens, roadsides, waste areas (May - August) | |
Wild thyme | Thymus serpyllum | dry grassland, usually on calcareous soils (May - September) | |
Ivy leaved toadflax | Cymbalaria muralis | walls (Spring to Autumn) | |
Toadflax | Linaria | ||
Tormentil | Potentilla erecta | waste and grassy places (May - September) | |
Bird's foot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | meadows and roadsides (May - September) | |
Wild turnip | Brassica rapa | disturbed ground (Spring - early summer) | |
Valerian, common | Valeriana officinalis | roadsides and walls (June - August) | |
Narrow leaved vetch | Vicia angustifolia | dry banks, meadows and grssy waste places (April - September) | |
Vetch, common | Vicia sativa | Bare or grassy ground (April - September) | |
Dog violet | Viola riviniana | very widespread (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Dog's tooth violet | Erythronium denscanis | grassy hillsides (Spring) | |
Wolfsbane | Aconitum vulparia | shady, damp places (May - August) | |
Yellow Oxalis (Wood-sorrel) | Oxalis corniculata | Dry open bare places and cultivated ground (May - October) |
Matienzo Flowers - Latin name orderJump to English generic name order Jump to English name order Jump to colour order TOP of page |
English name |
Latin name |
Habitat (and flowering time) |
Photos |
Wolfsbane | Aconitum vulparia | shady, damp places (May - August) | |
Bugle | Ajuga reptans | damp woods (Spring and Summer) | |
Pyramidal orchid | Anacamptis pyramidalis | On limestone (June - August) | |
Scarlet pimpernel | Anagallis arvensis | very widespread (All year) | |
Bog pimpernel | Anagallis tenella | bogs (May - September) | |
Wood anemone | Anemone nemorosa | shady woodland (Late Winter and Spring) | |
Columbine | Aquilegia vulgaris | grassy banks and roadsides (Late Spring) | |
Hairy rockcress | Arabis hirsuta | moist to dry, usually calcareous, open situations (April - August) | |
White asphodel | Asphodelus alba | grassy banks (Spring) | |
Astrantia | Astrantia major | Woods / mountain meadows (June - September) | |
Bartsia qry | Bartsia qry | ||
Daisy | Bellis perennis | meadows, roadside, grassy places (most of year) | |
Hoary Alison | Berteroa incana | waste and cultivated ground (April - November) | |
Wild turnip | Brassica rapa | disturbed ground (Spring - early summer) | |
Warty cabbage qry | Bunias orientalis | waste places (May - August) | |
Clustered bellflower | Campanula glomerata | grassland on lime (June - October) | |
Harebell | Campanula rotundifolia | dry grassland and heath (July - October) | |
Cuckoo flower/ Lady's smock | Cardamine pratentis | grassy area - meadows (March - April) | |
Greater cuckoo flower | Cardamine raphanifolia | damp, shaded places by rivers and lakes (Spring) | |
Arzolla | Carduncellus mitissimus | dry grasslands and calcareous slopes (summer) | |
Musk thistle qry | Carduus nutans qry | calcareous soil (April - August) | |
Mouse-ear, common | Cerastium fontanum | waste and cultivated ground and grassland (April - November) | |
Wild basil qry | Clinopodium vulgare qry | dry grassy places (July - September) | |
Autumn crocus | Colchicum autumnale | short grass; high on hills (Autumn into Winter) | |
Hawk beard | Crepis | widespread (Spring, summer) | |
Yellow crucifer qry | Cruciferae | ||
Ivy leaved toadflax | Cymbalaria muralis | walls (Spring to Autumn) | |
Spotted orchid,common | Dactylorhiza fuchsii | on limestone (May - August) | |
Garland flower | Daphne cneorum | very widespread - rocky hillsides (Spring) | |
Spurge laurel | Daphne laureola | often between clints (Spring into Summer) | |
Wild Carrot / Queen Anne's Lace | Daucus carota | grassy places (June - September) | |
Northern dragonhead | Dracocephalum ruyschiana | dry grassy places (Summer) | |
Viper's bugloss | Echium vulgare | meadows and dry rocky places (Summer) | |
Spanish bluebell | Endymion hispanicus | woods, scrub, hedge banks (April - June) | |
Spring heath | Erica herbacea | hillsides (May - September) | |
Cornish heath | Erica vagans | dry heathland (July - September) | |
Fairy foxglove | Erinus alpinus | rocks, screes (May - October) | |
Dog's tooth violet | Erythronium denscanis | grassy hillsides (Spring) | |
Caper spurge | Euphorbia lathyrus | widespread (May - July) | |
Euphorbia | Euphorbia | widespread (Spring - Autumn) | |
Wild strawberry | Fragaria vesca | wide spread (April-July) | |
Ramping-fumitory, comon | Fumaria muralis | roadsides (May to September) | |
Upright bedstraw qry | Galium album | pastures, grassy banks, etc., especially on dry calcareous soils (June - September) | |
Alpine gentian | Gentiana alpina | hillside (Late Spring and Summer) | |
Cut-leaved Crane's-bill-qry | Geranium dissectum | hedgebanks and cultivated land (Spring and summer) | |
Dove's foot cranesbill qry | Geranium molle qry | bare grassy places (April to September) | |
MeadowCranes'-bill | Geranium pratense | meadows & grassy places on limestone (June - September) | |
Hedgerow cranesbill | Geranium pyrenaicum | hedgerows, roadsides, field margins, rough grassy banks and waste places (May - August) | |
Herb robert | Geranium robertianum | very widespread (All year) | |
Ground ivy | Glechoma hederacea | widespread (April - June) | |
Globularia | Globularia vulgaris | widespread (Spring) | |
Fragrant orchid qry | Gymnadenia conopsea | grass land (June - July) | |
Rockrose, common | Helianthemum nummularium | rocky hillsides (Spring and Summer) | |
Green hellebore | Helloborus virides | widespread (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Liverleaf | Hepatica nobilis | open woodland (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Hawkweed | Hieracium | ||
Perforate St John's Wort | Hypericum perforatum | woods / heaths (July - October) | |
Field scabious | Knautia arvensis | roadsides and field margins (May - October) | |
Yellow archangel | Lamiastrum galeobdolon | woods (Spring) | |
Red deadnettle | Lamium purpureum | roadsides (All year) | |
Ox-eye daisy | Leucanthemum vulgare | roadsides and waste places (May - September) | |
Martagon lily | Lilium martagon | Wood / scrub / mountain grassy areas (June - July) | |
Toadflax | Linaria | ||
Perennial flax | Linum perenne | grassland (Spring into Summer) | |
Sticky flax | Linum viscosum | rocky ground on hills (May - August) | |
Shrubby gromwell | Lithodora oleifolia | very widespread above valley bottom (All year) | |
Bird's foot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | meadows and roadsides (May - September) | |
Musk mallow | Malva moschata | grassy places, pastures, hedgebanks etc, especially on rich soils (June - August) | |
Mallow, common | Malva sylvestris | growing freely in fields and hedgerows (May - September) | |
Black medick | Medicago lupulina | roadsides and rocky places (April - October) | |
Cow-wheat, common | Melampyrum pratense | woods, heaths, grasslands (May - September) | |
Field forgetmenot | Myosotis arvensis | roadsides and field edges (April - October) | |
Hoop petticoat daffodil | Narcissus bulbocodium | grassy hillsides (Spring) | |
Bee orchid | Ophrys apifera | limestone (May - June) | |
Orchid qry | Orchidaceae | ||
Early purple orchid | Orchis mascula | woods, scrub and grassland (April - June) | |
Star of Bethlehem, common | Ornithogalum umbellatum | grassy places (Spring into early Summer) | |
Ivy Broomrape | Orobanchaceae hederae | on Ivy (June - September) | |
Wood sorrel | Oxalis acetosella | moist woods, moorland and on shady rocks (March - May) | |
Yellow Oxalis (Wood-sorrel) | Oxalis corniculata | Dry open bare places and cultivated ground (May - October) | |
Round-headed Rampion qry | Phyteuma tenerum qry | dry grass land on lime (July - August) | |
Butterwort, common | Pinguicula vulgaris | ||
Greater butterfly orchid qry.jpg | Platanthera chlorantha qry.jpg | open grassland (May - June) | |
Mountain milkwort | Polygala alpestris | Pastures, usually on limestone (May - August) | |
Milkweed, common | Polygala vulgaris | grassy places (April - September) | |
Tormentil | Potentilla erecta | waste and grassy places (May - September) | |
Rock cinquefoil | Potentilla rupestris | rocky slopes (Late Winter into Spring) | |
Barren strawberry | Potentilla sterilus | dry grassland, open woods (February - May) | |
Auricula | Primula auricular qry | roadsides (Spring) | |
Oxlip | Primula elatior | grassy slopes (Spring) | |
Birdseye primrose | Primula farinosa | grassy places in hills (May - July) | |
Primrose | Primula vulgaris | grassy banks (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Cut-leaved self-heal | Prunella laciniata | dry grassy and bare places (June - October) | |
Narrow-leafed lungwort | Pulmonaria longifolia | shady places (Spring into summer) | |
qry-09 | qry-09 | ||
Meadow buttercup | Ranunculus acris | meadows and damp grassland (April - July) | |
Lesser celandine | Ranunculus ficaria | damp places (Spring) | |
Yellow rattle | Rhinanthus minor | grassy places (May - September) | |
Trailing rose | Rosa arvensis | hedges / scrub (May - July) | |
Wild Madder | Rubia peregrina | thickets, bushes, hedges, stony ground and along roads and paths, preferring dry soils (May - August) | |
Sorrel, common | Rumex acetosa | meadows, by streams and in open places in woodland (May - August) | |
Saxifrage | Saxifraga canaliculata | between rocks high up on a mountain | |
Spring sqill | Scilla verna | grassy hillsides (Spring) | |
Field madder | Sherardia arvenis | bare and cultivated ground (May - September) | |
Nottingham catchfly | Silene nutans | dry roadsides (Spring) | |
Kerry lily | Simethis planifolia | heathy and rocky places (May - June) | |
Hedge mustard | Sisymbrium officinale | disturbed ground (April - August) | |
solanum-family-qry-Nightshade-qry-01 | solanum-family-qry-Nightshade-qry-01 | roadside (May - ?) | |
Prickly sow thistle | Sonchus asper | disturbed areas such as fields, gardens, roadsides, waste areas (May - August) | |
Smooth sow-thistle | Sonchus oleraceus | waste ground and cultivated land (April - November) | |
Fen sow thistle | Sonchus palustris | damp areas (May - August) | |
Greater stitchwort | Stellaria holostea | field edges (Spring into Summer) | |
Devilsbit scabious | Succisa pratensis | damp grassy areas (June - October) | |
Comfrey, common | Symphytum offiicinale | wide spread (April-June) | |
Dandelion, common | Taraxacum officinale | widespread (all year) | |
Pyrenean germander | Teucrium pyrenaicum | on limestone (May - August) | |
Wild thyme | Thymus serpyllum | dry grassland, usually on calcareous soils (May - September) | |
Gorse | Ulex europaeus | heaths / grassland (All year) | |
Valerian, common | Valeriana officinalis | roadsides and walls (June - August) | |
Germander speedwell | Veronica chamaedrys | grassy roadsides (Spring) | |
Narrow leaved vetch | Vicia angustifolia | dry banks, meadows and grssy waste places (April - September) | |
Vetch, common | Vicia sativa | Bare or grassy ground (April - September) | |
Dog violet | Viola riviniana | very widespread (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Ivy-leaved bellflower qry | Wahlenbergia hederacea qry | damp places (June - August) |
Matienzo Flowers - Flower main colour then Latin name orderJump to English generic name order Jump to English name order Jump to Latin name order TOP of page |
English name |
Latin name |
Habitat (and flowering time) |
Photos |
Bugle | Ajuga reptans | damp woods (Spring and Summer) | |
Viper's bugloss | Echium vulgare | meadows and dry rocky places (Summer) | |
Spanish bluebell | Endymion hispanicus | woods, scrub, hedge banks (April - June) | |
Alpine gentian | Gentiana alpina | hillside (Late Spring and Summer) | |
Globularia | Globularia vulgaris | widespread (Spring) | |
Liverleaf | Hepatica nobilis | open woodland (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Perennial flax | Linum perenne | grassland (Spring into Summer) | |
Shrubby gromwell | Lithodora oleifolia | very widespread above valley bottom (All year) | |
Field forgetmenot | Myosotis arvensis | roadsides and field edges (April - October) | |
Mountain milkwort | Polygala alpestris | Pastures, usually on limestone (May - August) | |
Milkweed, common | Polygala vulgaris | grassy places (April - September) | |
Spring sqill | Scilla verna | grassy hillsides (Spring) | |
Germander speedwell | Veronica chamaedrys | grassy roadsides (Spring) | |
Ivy-leaved bellflower qry | Wahlenbergia hederacea qry | damp places (June - August) | |
Caper spurge | Euphorbia lathyrus | widespread (May - July) | |
Euphorbia | Euphorbia | widespread (Spring - Autumn) | |
Green hellebore | Helloborus virides | widespread (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Scarlet pimpernel | Anagallis arvensis | very widespread (All year) | |
Pyramidal orchid | Anacamptis pyramidalis | On limestone (June - August) | |
Bog pimpernel | Anagallis tenella | bogs (May - September) | |
Greater cuckoo flower | Cardamine raphanifolia | damp, shaded places by rivers and lakes (Spring) | |
Musk thistle qry | Carduus nutans qry | calcareous soil (April - August) | |
Wild basil qry | Clinopodium vulgare qry | dry grassy places (July - September) | |
Spotted orchid,common | Dactylorhiza fuchsii | on limestone (May - August) | |
Garland flower | Daphne cneorum | very widespread - rocky hillsides (Spring) | |
Spring heath | Erica herbacea | hillsides (May - September) | |
Cut-leaved Crane's-bill-qry | Geranium dissectum | hedgebanks and cultivated land (Spring and summer) | |
Dove's foot cranesbill qry | Geranium molle qry | bare grassy places (April to September) | |
MeadowCranes'-bill | Geranium pratense | meadows & grassy places on limestone (June - September) | |
Hedgerow cranesbill | Geranium pyrenaicum | hedgerows, roadsides, field margins, rough grassy banks and waste places (May - August) | |
Herb robert | Geranium robertianum | very widespread (All year) | |
Fragrant orchid qry | Gymnadenia conopsea | grass land (June - July) | |
Field scabious | Knautia arvensis | roadsides and field margins (May - October) | |
Martagon lily | Lilium martagon | Wood / scrub / mountain grassy areas (June - July) | |
Sticky flax | Linum viscosum | rocky ground on hills (May - August) | |
Musk mallow | Malva moschata | grassy places, pastures, hedgebanks etc, especially on rich soils (June - August) | |
Mallow, common | Malva sylvestris | growing freely in fields and hedgerows (May - September) | |
Ivy Broomrape | Orobanchaceae hederae | on Ivy (June - September) | |
Birdseye primrose | Primula farinosa | grassy places in hills (May - July) | |
Sorrel, common | Rumex acetosa | meadows, by streams and in open places in woodland (May - August) | |
Wild thyme | Thymus serpyllum | dry grassland, usually on calcareous soils (May - September) | |
Narrow leaved vetch | Vicia angustifolia | dry banks, meadows and grssy waste places (April - September) | |
Columbine | Aquilegia vulgaris | grassy banks and roadsides (Late Spring) | |
Bartsia qry | Bartsia qry | ||
Clustered bellflower | Campanula glomerata | grassland on lime (June - October) | |
Harebell | Campanula rotundifolia | dry grassland and heath (July - October) | |
Arzolla | Carduncellus mitissimus | dry grasslands and calcareous slopes (summer) | |
Autumn crocus | Colchicum autumnale | short grass; high on hills (Autumn into Winter) | |
Ivy leaved toadflax | Cymbalaria muralis | walls (Spring to Autumn) | |
Northern dragonhead | Dracocephalum ruyschiana | dry grassy places (Summer) | |
Fairy foxglove | Erinus alpinus | rocks, screes (May - October) | |
Dog's tooth violet | Erythronium denscanis | grassy hillsides (Spring) | |
Ground ivy | Glechoma hederacea | widespread (April - June) | |
Red deadnettle | Lamium purpureum | roadsides (All year) | |
Toadflax | Linaria | ||
Bee orchid | Ophrys apifera | limestone (May - June) | |
Orchid qry | Orchidaceae | ||
Early purple orchid | Orchis mascula | woods, scrub and grassland (April - June) | |
Round-headed Rampion qry | Phyteuma tenerum qry | dry grass land on lime (July - August) | |
Butterwort, common | Pinguicula vulgaris | ||
Narrow-leafed lungwort | Pulmonaria longifolia | shady places (Spring into summer) | |
Devilsbit scabious | Succisa pratensis | damp grassy areas (June - October) | |
Vetch, common | Vicia sativa | Bare or grassy ground (April - September) | |
Dog violet | Viola riviniana | very widespread (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Wood anemone | Anemone nemorosa | shady woodland (Late Winter and Spring) | |
Hairy rockcress | Arabis hirsuta | moist to dry, usually calcareous, open situations (April - August) | |
White asphodel | Asphodelus alba | grassy banks (Spring) | |
Astrantia | Astrantia major | Woods / mountain meadows (June - September) | |
Daisy | Bellis perennis | meadows, roadside, grassy places (most of year) | |
Hoary Alison | Berteroa incana | waste and cultivated ground (April - November) | |
Cuckoo flower/ Lady's smock | Cardamine pratentis | grassy area - meadows (March - April) | |
Mouse-ear, common | Cerastium fontanum | waste and cultivated ground and grassland (April - November) | |
Wild Carrot / Queen Anne's Lace | Daucus carota | grassy places (June - September) | |
Cornish heath | Erica vagans | dry heathland (July - September) | |
Wild strawberry | Fragaria vesca | wide spread (April-July) | |
Ramping-fumitory, comon | Fumaria muralis | roadsides (May to September) | |
Upright bedstraw qry | Galium album | pastures, grassy banks, etc., especially on dry calcareous soils (June - September) | |
Ox-eye daisy | Leucanthemum vulgare | roadsides and waste places (May - September) | |
Star of Bethlehem, common | Ornithogalum umbellatum | grassy places (Spring into early Summer) | |
Wood sorrel | Oxalis acetosella | moist woods, moorland and on shady rocks (March - May) | |
Greater butterfly orchid qry.jpg | Platanthera chlorantha qry.jpg | open grassland (May - June) | |
Rock cinquefoil | Potentilla rupestris | rocky slopes (Late Winter into Spring) | |
Barren strawberry | Potentilla sterilus | dry grassland, open woods (February - May) | |
Cut-leaved self-heal | Prunella laciniata | dry grassy and bare places (June - October) | |
qry-09 | qry-09 | ||
Trailing rose | Rosa arvensis | hedges / scrub (May - July) | |
Wild Madder | Rubia peregrina | thickets, bushes, hedges, stony ground and along roads and paths, preferring dry soils (May - August) | |
Saxifrage | Saxifraga canaliculata | between rocks high up on a mountain | |
Field madder | Sherardia arvenis | bare and cultivated ground (May - September) | |
Nottingham catchfly | Silene nutans | dry roadsides (Spring) | |
Kerry lily | Simethis planifolia | heathy and rocky places (May - June) | |
solanum-family-qry-Nightshade-qry-01 | solanum-family-qry-Nightshade-qry-01 | roadside (May - ?) | |
Greater stitchwort | Stellaria holostea | field edges (Spring into Summer) | |
Comfrey, common | Symphytum offiicinale | wide spread (April-June) | |
Pyrenean germander | Teucrium pyrenaicum | on limestone (May - August) | |
Valerian, common | Valeriana officinalis | roadsides and walls (June - August) | |
Wolfsbane | Aconitum vulparia | shady, damp places (May - August) | |
Wild turnip | Brassica rapa | disturbed ground (Spring - early summer) | |
Warty cabbage qry | Bunias orientalis | waste places (May - August) | |
Hawk beard | Crepis | widespread (Spring, summer) | |
Yellow crucifer qry | Cruciferae | ||
Spurge laurel | Daphne laureola | often between clints (Spring into Summer) | |
Rockrose, common | Helianthemum nummularium | rocky hillsides (Spring and Summer) | |
Hawkweed | Hieracium | ||
Perforate St John's Wort | Hypericum perforatum | woods / heaths (July - October) | |
Yellow archangel | Lamiastrum galeobdolon | woods (Spring) | |
Bird's foot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | meadows and roadsides (May - September) | |
Black medick | Medicago lupulina | roadsides and rocky places (April - October) | |
Cow-wheat, common | Melampyrum pratense | woods, heaths, grasslands (May - September) | |
Hoop petticoat daffodil | Narcissus bulbocodium | grassy hillsides (Spring) | |
Yellow Oxalis (Wood-sorrel) | Oxalis corniculata | Dry open bare places and cultivated ground (May - October) | |
Tormentil | Potentilla erecta | waste and grassy places (May - September) | |
Auricula | Primula auricular qry | roadsides (Spring) | |
Oxlip | Primula elatior | grassy slopes (Spring) | |
Primrose | Primula vulgaris | grassy banks (Late Winter & Spring) | |
Meadow buttercup | Ranunculus acris | meadows and damp grassland (April - July) | |
Lesser celandine | Ranunculus ficaria | damp places (Spring) | |
Yellow rattle | Rhinanthus minor | grassy places (May - September) | |
Hedge mustard | Sisymbrium officinale | disturbed ground (April - August) | |
Prickly sow thistle | Sonchus asper | disturbed areas such as fields, gardens, roadsides, waste areas (May - August) | |
Smooth sow-thistle | Sonchus oleraceus | waste ground and cultivated land (April - November) | |
Fen sow thistle | Sonchus palustris | damp areas (May - August) | |
Dandelion, common | Taraxacum officinale | widespread (all year) | |
Gorse | Ulex europaeus | heaths / grassland (All year) |