0753: Rotura, Torca de (2013 (French: SCD))
Arredondo 30T 450999 4792821 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 403m
Depth 94m Length (108m) included in Cueva Vallina, #0733
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 12th May 2002; 1st July 2009; 11th February 2016; 27th February, 23rd September 2018; 22nd August 2020; 25th November 2022

A previous position was ETRS89 451008 4792824.

   A large shaft, rather like Rowten without the stream, labelled SCD2013.
   A 45m pitch has a ledge 20m down and lands on a rock slope. A steep boulder slope leads to a broken 15m pitch and a final 20m pitch to a sandy floored chamber where a 10cm wide fissure emits a cold draught. This is above Smelly Hat Aven in Cueva Vallina and a start has been made to open up the rift (February 2018).
   Further work was carried out in the summer 2020 when progress was made along a meander to where a p10 could be observed ahead. The site draughts upwards. (See 2020 survey below). (See last paragraph.)

The information below has been roughly translated from the French, Spéléo-Club de Dijon reference, Degouve de Nuncques Patrick et Simonnot Guy, 1989 (in Sous le Plancher, no 4, 1989), repeated in Simonnot G, 2016. The French reference number for this site is SCD2013.

In the side of a small valley to the north of Arredondo, on a sloping moor, fifty meters above a hut. Easy access by road then along the track of Llaneces. At the end, taking a path along the hillside for ten minutes towards the hut of Rotura reaches the site. Explored in October 1988.

A pretty p48 is followed by shorter verticals (p20; p5) leading down to -73 in a small choked chamber. A narrow fissure emits a violent draught. This hole could be the source of Fuentes (No 2018). (Site 1756).

This chasm must be in relation with the cueva Vallina whose galleries pass just below. (Simonnot G, 2018) In October 2022, the torca was linked into Cueva Vallina (0733), probably above the "p?" just west of the Clapham Bypass on the Vallina survey. See the elevation and 3d Survex files below. (The length to be added to Vallina has yet to be finalised.)

Details of the earlier SCD excavations in Rotura (translated by Google Translate):
Friday, February 23, 2018 Participants: P. and S. Degouve, G. Simonnot Located directly above the galleries at the bottom of the Valina, the Torca de Rotura had been explored by the SCD about thirty years ago (1988). A narrow windy meander had stopped us at the time. A new visit from our English friends did not allow us to go further. It is therefore with equipment adapted to this kind of obstacle that we return to the pass point of the abyss at -73 m. This morning, the weather is cold and dry and the cavity operates in winter mode, that is to say that it sucks clearly. We are re-equipping the sinkhole and starting the work right away. The meander is narrow but by digging the filling we already manage to make the passage less cramped. At the end of the afternoon we progressed a good meter.
Saturday, June 27, 2020 Participants: P. and S. Degouve, G. Simonnot, M. Ulises The runoff has destabilized a few pebbles at the bottom of the entrance shaft and you have to be careful when crossing the scree. At the bottom the chasm is very dry which makes the work less painful. The current of blowing air that we already felt at the entrance to the abyss is very strong here and with the outside heat, it will gradually increase in power. We advance 3 to 4 m to a right angle bend. The meander plunges gently and we seem to perceive a widening a few meters further (slight resonance...). We leave equipped in anticipation of a new session.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 Participants: Patrick and Sandrine Degouve, Guy Simonnot The current of air is still very strong and the meander is very dry. We advance two meters to a bend behind which opens a well of about ten meters much wider at the bottom. There are still a few very narrow meters but this time, the junction with La Valina seems close.
Friday, July 31, 2020 Participants: P. Degouve, L. Guillot, J.N. Outhier, G. Simonnot We finally reach the top of the well glimpsed during the last outing. Next time it will be good.

References: anon., 1989 (logbook); material in file; Degouve de Nuncques Patrick et Simonnot Guy, 1989 (survey); Corrin Juan, 2009; anon., 2009b (Whit logbook); Simonnot G, 2016; anon., 2018a (January / February logbook); Simonnot G, 2018; anon., 2020c (Spring, summer logbook); Simonnot G, 2022; anon., 2022d (autumn logbook)
Entrance picture : 2022
Underground picture(s): Accumulated debris pile : Connection with Vallina, October 2022
Detailed Survey : yes (from Degouve de Nuncques Patrick et Simonnot Guy, 1989); amended survey 2020 : October 2022 - linked to Vallina - elevation
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file : combined 1988 and 2022 surveys (from an origianl .trox file) : with Vallina, joined at The Canyon