1161: Malbujero
Ozana 30T 454335 4794500 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: A) Altitude 264m
Length included in Orillón site 0023
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 9th, 24th September 2015; 29th April 2016

   The western entry into the Orillón cave system. The steep sided and vegetated hole can be free climbed but there is barbed wire hidden in the heavily vegetated sides. The base has loose boulders in soil and leaf litter. The normal entry point is Orillónzuco (1162).

Cave description (Peter Smith, September 2015)
   From the Malbujero entrance, the passage descends steeply down a couple of small climbs to a junction with the stream-passage. This is a "hading" passage slanting up to the south-west. Turning left downstream, a side-passage on the left climbs up to a boulder choke. Continuing in the stream, a choice can be made between following the water or stepping up to the traverse that connects with the usual way in from the Orillonzuco entrance. If the stream is followed, an inlet is met, entering on the left, along the 5m-high rift that has to be stepped over, when coming from Orillonzuco. The two routes then meet up in the passage heading downstream.
   Back at the original junction with the stream, turning right upstream the passage soon appears to divide into several small ways on. Eventually these all lead, via either a crawl or a scramble up a rift, into the continuation of the hading passage. A hole in the top of this enters a passage on a higher level. To the left it goes to a traverse that connects in the roof of the steeply descending rift from Malbujero. To the right it goes past some old animal skulls and bones to a small chamber with several crawls leading off. The continuation is in a rift on the left, which soon descends again to stream level. A flowstone choke, with the stream entering beneath it, marks the end of exploration.

References: Fernández Gutiérrez et al, 1966 (survey and photo); anon., 1974b (logbook); anon., 1974a; Cox G, 1973; Kendal Caving Club and Manchester University Speleological Society, 1975 (survey); Manchester University Speleological Society, 1982 (survey); Corrin J S and Smith P, 1981; Ortiz E, 1968; Notenboom J and Meijers I, 1985; anon., 1996a (Easter logbook); anon., 2015c (summer logbook); anon., 2016b (Easter logbook)
Entrance picture : yes
Underground picture(s):
Video: Entrance depression (YouTube)

Detailed Survey : See site 1162
Line Survey :
On area survey :
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