0258: Calleja Rebollo, Torcón de la (Toad in the Hole)
Seldesuto 30T 448780 4795064 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 293m
Length 8208m Depth 118m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Resources : Logbook search

Updated 30th August 1998; 19th February 1999; 12th December 1999; 21st January, 26th October 2001; 8th June, 26th October 2002; 23rd March, 9th November 2003; 6th May, 1st July, 13th, 17th October 2007; 16th April 2008; 6th January 2011; 25th April 2012; 20th May 2017; 30th June 2018; 8th January 2020; 19th September, 6th November 2023; 29th April 2024

Incomplete description, considerably improved after the Easter 2007 extensions.

[Torcón de la Calleja Rebollo (or Toad in the Hole to it's friends) was the focus for a 6 day onslaught at Easter 2008. The following summary needs tying in with the 2007 Extensions below. The trips included pushing the end of the Move It extensions. A drop down a 20m pitch landed in lots of mud, suggesting "a pretty terminal area". Draught testing in Man Down showed a route through dodgy boulders and a climb down a 25m pitch. This lands in a very muddy chamber which sumps. There is a small stream with mud banks and no draught which was not followed. A couple of the avens at the end were also climbed but no passage gained. Closer to the entrance, between Cloud Nine and Cargo Rift a phreatic maze was entered and surveyed in Girly Day Out. The sound of water comes from a large aven with a big waterfall coming in from above. Water sinks in a tight rift but the roof of the aven cannot be seen and this area is a good lead for next time. The "next time" was Easter 2012 when the aven and passage below were investigated (see below). Over half a kilometre of new passage was surveyed in 2008, taking the total length to 7902m. The deepest point reached was at an altitude of 182m, the same height as the South Vega resurgence, Cueva Comellante.]

The entrance is located in a rather sloppy shakehole and a rope is useful for the grassy descent. A tight pitch of 6m down between loose boulders enters a small room. (At Easter 2017, the entrance was re-opened after a collapse.) The passage to the right descends to a large calcite-floored chamber which slopes down past two blind holes on the right.

Walking between mud banks ends at the Maypole Pitch of 6m up. The passage at the top splits. The left hand branch meets an 8m rope and ladder pitch into a passage which, to the left ends at an aven and to the right finishes at a draughting boulder choke. A squeeze past a large jammed block within Baz's Choke reaches a lower level which was dug at Easter '96 through clay to a small chamber. Further progress and the break-through came at Easter 1998, when Baz's Chamber was entered. A small passage up-slope to the left was dug though in 1998 to a well decorated passage, Correspondent's Capers, with a 5m pitch in the floor with a tight continuation. The way on at the far end of Baz's Chamber is a squeeze under a flowstone floor which leads to a second chamber via a 3m climb down a mud wall. Several holes in the floor become too tight. A passage or aven can be seen where water comes out of the roof. The route forward is a climb up mud on the right to a shelf where a squeeze enters another chamber. Here, a 9m ladder pitch in a rift on the left leads to a 28m wet pitch, rigged for SRT. At the foot, a small stream passage ends at a chamber where the way on may be up a rift on the left. Part way down the wet pitch, a tube leads via a climb and 12m pitch into the final chamber. This series ends at the deepest part of the cave, some 60m below the entrance at an altitude of about 240m. In the chamber after the 9m ladder pitch, a tube on the left enteres a chamber where a climb up on the left leads to a choke where it draughts, but the way on has not been located. At the base of the wet 5m pitch in this series, upstream draughts but becomes very tight and awkward. In 1999 a pitch was dropped in the penultimate chamber to a low level via p28.

1987 Extensions
The right hand branch leads to a 20m pitch into a small passage which suddenly enters a large chamber, 50m across. This contains some excellent helictites and, at its southern end, a complex phreatic maze (not shown on the survey in P3) which was pushed to a conclusion and surveyed in the summer 2023. A chamber to the east of the hall contains a massive stalagmite boss and some impressive gour pools. Photos were taken in this large chamber (variously called "large chamber near the entrance" or "NE Chamber") and the maze below in the summer 2023.

Back at the entrance, the passage to the left is an oxbow which meets the main passage at the blind holes.

Before Baz's Choke, an opening on the left leads into Chocolate Slice - a crawl which has been excavated to allow fatties through. This enters larger passage where a slot on the left leads to a roped traverse (cow's tails). The passage beyond passes several shafts and climbs, not all pushed to conclusion. This is followed by a 12m ladder pitch down (a bolt on the right and naturals). A bolt traverse over the pitch on the left revealed nothing.

At the bottom of the pitch, Misty Series is to the right and the main way on to the left. Misty Series - a passage carrying small stream is followed to where several routes up lead into a large aven. A draughting crawl on the left in the base of the aven Diamond Lil, leads to a choke where no way on has been found. In 1993 Misty Series was again looked at: A passage on the left in the lower part of the Misty Series aven is a small crawl into a small chamber with a draughting hole. This leads to a small rift and a silty floor which was dug through to another 10m of passage to a drippy choke. There may be several tight ways upwards. On the right, just before the aven which is climbable and draughts down. this needs a return. A hole in the boulder floor of the Misty Series aven was investigated and no way on was found. The opposite wall to the draughting crawl was investigated via a traverse / climb: the passage descended for approximated 7m before ending. In 1995, the choke at the end of the Misty Series was described as suicidal.

The main route from the base of the pitch is a climb down following the stream from Misty Series, which soon disappears in a clean-washed pit in the floor at a junction. The pit has been free-climbed down for 15m to where it closed off. The main way on is a climb up into a narrow rift to the right hand side, but by following the continuation of the rift up a climb and over another pit, St Ann‘s Passage is gained, first entered in the summer of 1996. Two hundred metres of narrow rift containing a good draught leads via several small phreatic chambers and crawls to a dug boulder choke. This contains a ”squeeze" under a loose block and care must be taken. A breakdown chamber beyond contains several choked pits and there are two ways out, both of which draught. Straight ahead with the main draught a continuation of the narrow rift gains a complex area containing an upper, low phreatic passage which seems to follow the rift below. The upper level eventually stops at a roof collapse with a possible dig to a continuation that draughts. The rift at floor level draughts strongly and continues very tight and needs pushing. A hole in the left hand wall of the chamber after the dug choke leads past two side passages which both soon get too small without more digging. Traversing over a rift, a side passage on the right has been pushed to a tight continuation which can be dug. This contains a reasonable draught. Further up the passage a low chamber with a lower level is reached. Here, and straight ahead, several climbs and avens exist (30m+?) which need ascending. The most northerly contains a slightly draughting calcite hole. A hole in the left hand side of the chamber Paul‘s Putrid Passage leads via an extremely muddy rift into a boulder choke with several ways off - all of which soon close down.

Back at the clean-washed pit, the main route on is a climb up over the hole, followed by a traverse rising to the right. The route continues passing a draughting hole down, then a number of routes up connecting to larger passage. The route continues to Sandy Junction where Cocoa Series leads off to the left, mostly fair-sized passage, which ends at points close to the surface.

The remaining description for the cave before Easter 2007 has been archived here.

Sandy Junction to Lost Series
At Sandy Junction take a right along a sandy-floored passage to boulders, climb over the boulders to a climb down to the left. A short walk comes to a junction. Ahead through a small gap is a small aven (useful drinking pool). Left leads to the first pitch up (8m permanently rigged). At the top, head left and a short walk leads a 5m pit in the floor and the 2nd up pitch above (5m permanently rigged). From the top, a short way on are two left hand junctions where the passage continues on to Saville Row (no description).
Take the 2nd left hand junction near a stal flow, and after a short distance, there is a low crawl to the right (easily missed). The 1st left will also take you here in a roundabout way. The low crawl soon opens up to a junction with a low crawl to the right (not followed, no description) and a climb up ahead. Take the climb up and head over into a large chamber/aven with drinking pool. A 2m climb on the opposite side of the chamber/aven, leads to a squeeze under a flake and into sandy floored stooping passage. The start of this stooping passage is also reached via a crawl through coral passage (found to the right of the climb) and turning left at a 'T' junction (Right at this 'T' junction leads to a window looking out over Saville Row).
The stooping passage splits shortly and both passages leads to the same point - a cross roads with survey station marked 52.
From station 52, take the left hand passage, and continue passed a left hand junction (leading to Ramon's Aven), to another junction. Care is required here as the left passage must be taken (the less obvious passage and often missed), the right looking like the main river passage heading down (not followed, no description). Follow this passage to another junction. Left leads to a dripping aven (can get drinking water here) while right continues on over holes in the floor, a dripping aven and pitch to the right (passage at the back of this aven, no description).
Shortly after a 'T' junction is reached. Left leads to the Lost Lost Bit. (Not followed, no description).
Continue right to a 2nd 'T' junction. Left leads to a slope down and climbs, but right leads to the base of the 3rd up pitch (4m, permanently rigged).

Owls Passage to Cloud Nine
From the top of the pitch follow nice fossil river passage to a hole in the floor and a junction. Either cross over the hole on the right hand side or take the left passage (past another side passage leading to an aven and choke - not followed, no description) and skirt around the hole to arrive at the same place.
Ahead is marked by a natural stone column and continues along nice (but slippery) river passage with a water cut trench in the floor. A dripping aven and pitch is passed on the right and after a long way a small inlet on the left. Eventually a low duck under a stone arch leads to a junction.
There is minor passage to the left (not followed, no description), but the main passage continues ahead/right to the 2nd rope traverse. A passage heads off here to the left (not followed, no description - needs looking at, see survey).
Across the traverse, past a boulder slope to the right leading to a large chamber and head along a round phreatic tube (bore tube). A small decorated side pocket is reached on the left, the main way on guarded by hanging stal floor and columns. Head round the hanging floor and regain the main passage. Pass another decorated pocket on left, followed by one on the right (possible climb here??) just before a pitch on the left.
Ahead passed more straws on the right leads to a duck under on the left. This is often missed and leads into a very narrow slot / rift passage. From the duck under, follow the climb down with a passage to left (not followed, no description), and to a large dripping pitch in the floor. Head along the right hand side then over or under large blocks to a further duck under to passage beyond. (The route is marked with a cairn here for the return).
Head on through bouldery passage to easier going bore tube passage a short distance beyond. The passage lowers to 1m in height lined with stals and straws. A sharp right at a stal column leads to the head of a short rope climb down (2.5m fixed rope in place) to a large dripping aven & pitch . A route up here leads to a large collapse chamber above.
Traverse around the pitch on the right hand side over boulders, then bear left to regain passage over a mud climb to old fossil passage 4m wide. From here follow a wide floored passage to a left hand junction. This leads to First Return.
Continue on ahead to a trenched floor and a 2nd climb down to a second large chamber with several ways off. The way on lies straight ahead across boulders to the back of the chamber. A big boulder blocks progress, but a way on is found underneath to further boulder climbs (stals are present on the left of the big boulder - survey station 122).
Bear right and climb up over boulders to a duck under to the base of the "old" up pitch. This has now been by passed. The way on is found to the left. Duck under rock, then a stal flow to find an easy climb up through calcited boulders to a calcite grotto. From the grotto climb through a low window ahead to gain a rift heading to the right. (N.B. Climbing up before the window leads to a chamber with ways off Scullery Chamber. Needs looking at. Pitches in the floor after the window also need looking at).
Follow the rightward trending rift, and take one of the two slots to the left to gain a parallel rift leading to a bold step in a chamber. A climb up to the left (rope left in place) leads into bore tube and the way on to Cloud Nine. Climbing up to the right from the bold step gains a floor in the chamber and several ways off (not followed, no description. There are also holes in the floor which need looking at).
In the bore tube, climb through two shallow pots both with choked passages to the right to gain the 1.5 metre bore tube. Follow this for some way, to a sharp left hand bend with a pretty pocket off to the right which also has a pitch down (needs looking at,  no description).
The main passage continues and becomes more key hole in shape, passing over a tight drop in the floor (needs looking at, no description). An awkward 'Z' bend traverse follows, finally reaching a climb down to a small chamber.
Ahead is blocked by a wall/bridge lined with stals. Duck under to the left into a low chamber. There are several low passages off to the left (need looking at, no description) but squeeze up to the right into the start of Cloud Nine. Head left through easy walking, well decorated passage to reach a climb over a stal bank with large stals and a crystal pool. These have not faired well from early exploration and need taping).
From the climb over, a narrow tunnel (care needed due to straws) leads through into more large walking chamber. A slope down to the right leads to crawling passage and the way on to the far end of the cave, 4 Hours Later.
Continue on in the main chamber and climb over a mud bank to a drinking pool on right. The chamber continues on until the roof lowers and enters a collapse chamber. The sound of water can be heard dripping (needs looking at).

Cloud Nine to We Like to Move It, Move It
In the Cloud Nine chamber a slope down to the right leads to a low tube crawl past several passages off on the left and right (mostly choked); two further on to the right have been partly pushed until water was heard (need looking at, no description). (See Girly Day Out below). Continuing along the main passage, crawling gets easier as the tube height increases to stooping walk and finally walking. Care is needed as a 7-10m pitch in the floor is reached (need slooking at, no description). The pitch is easily climbed over and the passage breaks into nice meander, heading down hill. A steep slope cutting down and back interrupts the meander and drops into a chamber.
In the chamber, to the right leads to two possible digs, left leads along the chamber to a junction, left to a steep slope, ahead leads to a crawl (needs looking at, no description). Back in the meander skirting around the cut down, a climb over boulders regains pleasant meander passage. This continues down to a long chamber with a boulder floor (a small down tube here looks good, but needs capping??).
After the long chamber the passage changes in character to low crawling on a sandy floor passage (2m wide x 1m high) before finally reverting back to a meander. A short break down section is reached after which the passage reverts back to crawling passage past stals and straws. After a sharp bend to the left the passage breaks out into a series of chambers.
After the first sandy-floored chamber, more break down becomes predominant. Shortly on the right, prior to a narrowing, a small hole and climb down leads to the We Like to Move It, Move It Extensions.

Girly Day Out
   As stated at the top of the description, in 2008, "between Cloud Nine and Cargo Rift a phreatic maze was entered and surveyed in Girly Day Out. The sound of water comes from a large aven with a big waterfall coming in from above. Water sinks in a tight rift but the roof of the aven cannot be seen and this area is a good lead for next time." This was explored and pushed over a couple of trips at Easter 2012. The fossil aven was climbed to a fossil window / rift to a higher, active aven. A sketch of the exploration appears here. It is suggested that the best lead would be to continue up the active aven. The streamway at the bease of the active aven was checked out (with less water than 2008). At stream level, the passage is tight and immature and could only be followed round a couple of bends to an impenetrable crack. The rift can also be followed several metres higher with a few muddy crawls to dead ends. A drop in the floor could connect back to the lower level beyond the crack.
   The labyrinth before the aven was also searched for missing leads but everything seemed to to connect back. (Was this surveyed on the next trip in?)
   On the next trip, another lead in GDO was pushed into 5m x 3m high passage with a number of side passages which quickly choked. This remains unsurveyed (as the other team had the survey kit). Any surveying carried out in the GDO at Easter 2012 has not been included in the Survex file. (24/3/2012)

We Like to Move It, Move It to 4 hours later
Continuing on in the break down, a larger chamber is reached. An obvious passage to the right has several branches, but these lead to roof tubes and become too tight or rejoin the main way on further on. Heading down slope to the base of the large chamber, the passage continues up boulder collapse and several large stones to yield more meander to a staggered junction with rifts heading off left and right. These are both narrow and choke out quickly.
The main passage ahead is offset to the left slightly, up a 1m climb to stooping/ crawling passage. A sharp left hand bend is marked by Survey Station 100. A short distance along a chamber is reached. Left down a short crawl leads to a round low chamber with a possible dig at the back. Right - walking passage heads down the main chamber. Roof pockets in the right hand wall are all choked or lead to passage above - Helictite Heaven.
Climb over boulders and head to the end of the chamber into rift type passage. This can be followed until a short climb down from a narrow window yields another large chamber. To the right a walk/ crawl up the sand slope reaches rift passage with climbs and holes down to the previous chamber, and eventually leads to Helictite Heaven (not very impressive!).
Left yields more rift passage (slightly more awkward to negotiate) to a small climb up. A hole low down to the right here, enters a small steeply sloping chamber, with possible dig in base. Climbing up the 1m climb, more awkward rift arrives at a very interesting (especially for midgets) airy climb down to a boulder in a large chamber Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
A climb up to the immediate left leads to a 30m pitch which, if traverse over and followed, arrives at a steep climb down opposite the narrow window in the previous chamber.

Bad Day Extension
A way can also be found down through the boulders to a climb down and passage that heads under the climb up passage to the p30. Just after the climb down a pitch drops off to the left (connected to chamber below by light). Bearing right, the passage passes a tunnel heading off to the right, (choked but possible dig) to a duck under to more passage and a 4m climb down to a chamber. The 30m pitch drops into this chamber.
Ahead the chamber narrows and leads to a 'T' junction. Left soon chokes out and right an awkward 4m climb up leads to a short section of passage which closes down (a possible dig). Back in the main chamber, opposite where the pitch drops in, a drop down between the wall and a big boulder, yields a mud saddle.
To the left the passage drops down and then climbs up again to yield a chamber and aven. This links back to the pitch first seen at the initial climb down (verified by light). Right on the saddle, under a low roof yields another mud covered chamber dropping down to climb down and a drain point where a small stream sinks in boulders. (Possible dig). One other tube heads off this chamber but closes down after 5m.

Mad Hatter's Tea Party to 4 Hours Later
Back in the Mad Hatter's Tea Party chamber continue over boulders past a passage on the left to the end of the chamber and a climb up on the left into more rift passage. Awkward progress again finally arrives at a 'T' junction. Left leads to a sharp left through a downhill squeeze to more passage returning to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party chamber. Right from the 'T' junction heads into a boulder choke 4 Hours Later, the far point and end of the cave in this area.
Taking a high route ahead leads into an obvious chamber progress barred by boulders. To the right here, a climb up 3m yields an elliptical tube. Climb down for 3m and an awkward manoeuvre accesses a small stream way that progresses into very tight meander. This was pushed for a short distance but deemed too tight. (Possibly worth another look by a midget team).
To the left in the chamber a climb up can be negotiated to arrive at the top of the choke and a chamber. At the far end of the chamber a low dig heads off. (looks promising, but long term). Taking a more low level route another chamber is reached with a small stream flowing. The stream can be followed down stream but chokes out. Heading to the end of the chamber (upstream) and left, the stream can be followed down a low tube to a small chamber. The stream issues from a small hole, possible to dig but not promising!

We Like to Move It, Move It Extensions
Back at the Move It junction, the narrow climb down of 5m yields a large boulder strewn chamber, a cairn and survey marker 153 off to the left. A rift heads off to the right (not explored), but the main passage heads off leftward into deep canyon meander. It is best followed at roof height, the meander being wider here. After a short distance a sharp right hand bend is reached with passage heading off left. This left hand passage leads off back underneath the chambers where the extension climb down was found. Continuing right along the main meander, a breakdown chamber is reached which ends in a choke. At this far end a climb down regains the main meander and continues at floor level.
After a short distance the roof drops to 2m in height. Continue to a climb around a boulder. To the left here a meander passage heads off (not explored). Continuing on ahead passed stal columns leads to a chamber (Survey Station 135). The passage continues on the opposite side of the chamber down through a low squeeze passed stals and a crystal pool to gain easier low passage. A small chamber is reached (Survey Station 129). The main rift continues ahead and after a short distance, a climb over boulders and down into a main chamber. (Survey Station 126). A dripping aven to the right (possible free climb) gives a valuable drinking pool. The water from the pool drains into a very tight rift to the left of the chamber (not pushed) but thought too tight.
The main passage continues ahead up an easy mud climb to gain a meander with several oxbows. Near the 2nd oxbow and a sharp z bend, there is a section of collapsed roof with a possible climb up into passage.
The meander continues but the height drops to 2m with competent roof to finally climb up into a small chamber (Survey Station 114). A climb up here yields a higher chamber and possible passage (a good lead).
The way on from this chamber becomes more awkward, having no floor. The floor is eventually regained, but with frequent holes in the floor, too tight to drop to a lower level. Progress is best at roof height when possible. A small corner pocket is reached after which a two metre high meander heads off but with more holes in the floor. The passage ends abruptly at several pots (these have been looked at briefly, but a second look with rope is thought worthwhile).
A climb off to the right, oxbows back to the main passage. A climb up to the left past a large roof block gains low fossil river passage to a T-junction.
The right hand junction leads to a pitch head and the Man Down extension, while ahead after a short distance leads to a long narrow chamber. In this chamber a passage heads off to the right (PMT extension) and three pots in the floor. Access to the right hand passage and the pots is best via a small oxbow crawl to the right arriving at the passage junction and a climb down to the pots. The nearest pot links to the second and ends in a dig. The third pot is accessed via a climb through from the top of the second pot. After a steep climb down a small chamber is gained. A possible dig to the left probably links back to the first pot? While straight ahead ends in a very tight squeeze (possibly worth digging).
If all three pots are traversed, at the end of the chamber there is a poorly decorated but climbable? roof tube heading up to the right.

PMT Extensions
Back at the PMT junction, climb over boulders and a small stream sink to a sharp left hand bend. A climb up over a large block enters a complicated breakdown chamber. To the left a climb over a mud-bank yields a second breakdown chamber with a pitch down in the far left of the chamber (the rest being boulder strewn).
Heading straight across the first chamber, there is a climb / aven on the right hand side (not explored). Reaching the far wall, leftward leads to a rift. A squeeze yields passage which bends around to the right and to a T-junction. A duck under to the left leads through collapse to a pitch (p15 - Survey Station 692). This pitch was dropped to a chamber below and a dig in the floor. Several sloping tubes dropped into this chamber. It was not surveyed and needs revisiting again.
Back at the T-junction, ahead leads to a climb down and around into more big meander passage. This only lasts for a short time before reaching a collapsed chamber (probably worth another good root around). A duck under regains good passage heading downwards with a number of pots in the floor (not explored). The downward trend ends with several good pots to the left (not explored, worth looking at).
Climb up a mud-slope to the right to a junction. Right at the junction, a squeeze leads to tight passage. A very tight squeeze past a boulder follows (needs hilti-ing), to another rift passage but becomes tight (needs revisiting). Back at the top of the mud-slope junction, a climb up to the left leads to partially blocked passage by boulder (dig possible?)
NB: PMT needs revisiting as only one trip to the end was undertaken.

Man Down Series
The right hand junction of Man Down follows passage over blocks to a pitch head (p5) (this is easily rigged on naturals). The pitch enters a chamber with a large block in its centre and possible dig to the right. Across a slope up yields two left-hand small recesses (both choked). Continue upslope past two climbs to finally gain low old stream passage (crawling). This can be followed for a short distance to a T-junction.
Left leads to a crawl and a climb down into a chamber. Ahead the chamber is choked but with possible passage beyond (needs a look). Also here, under the climb down, a short tube leads to a 4 metre pitch (not descended). Left at the T-junction, a squeeze gains high passage with roof tubes. Negotiate a small collapse on the right side and drop down into a chamber. Two side passages on the right are both choked and are possible digs.

Surface prospecting was carried out at Easter 2024 where the following sites were inspected: #2930, #3638 and #5419

Link to entry in the Cave Diving Sump Index.

References: anon., 1981a (logbook); Corrin J et al, 1981a (survey and photo); Corrin J, 1981; Smith P, 1982b; Corrin J, 1983c; material in file; anon., 1987 (logbook); Corrin J and Knights S, 1988 (survey and photo); anon., 1988 (logbook); Cawthorne B and Neill A, 1990; Davis J and Corrin J, 1989; Cawthorne R, 1987; anon., 1989 (logbook); Neill A et al, 1989; Corrin J, 1990 (photo); anon., 1991 (logbook); Neill Ali, 1991; Corrin J, 1992a; Corrin J, 1992b (survey); anon., 1993b (logbook); Neill Alasdair and Jackson Keith, 1993; Corrin J, 1994a; Corrin Juan, 1995b; Corrin J, 1994b (survey); anon., 1995a (Easter logbook); anon., 1995b (Whit logbook); anon., 1995c (logbook); anon., 1996a (Easter logbook); Corrin Juan, 1997a; Corrin Juan, 1997b; anon., 1997b (logbook); Corrin Juan, 1998; anon., 1998a (Easter logbook); anon., 1998d (logbook); García José León, 1997 (survey); Corrin Juan, 1997c; Corrin Juan, 1999; anon., 1999c (logbook); Corrin Juan, 2000; Corrin Juan, 2001a; anon., 2002b (summer logbook); Corrin Juan, 2003b; card Easter 2007; Corrin Juan and Smith Peter, 2007; Corrin Juan, 2007a; anon., 2008c (Easter logbook); Corrin Juan, 2009; León García José, 2010 (Volume 1 and Volume 2) (line survey and photos); anon., 2012b (Easter logbook); Corrin Juan, 2013a; Papard Philip, Corrin Juan and Smith Peter, 2014; anon., 2017b (Easter logbook); anon., 2019e (autumn logbook); anon., 2023c (summer logbook); anon., 2024b (Easter logbook)
Entrance pictures : autumn 2019
Underground picture(s): entrance passage : Photos from 1981, 1988 and 1996 :
Photos taken coming back from Cloud Nine, Easter 2012 : photos in entrance passages, 2019 :
NE Chamber and maze below, summer 2023 : St Ann's area, summer 2023
Video : Passages leading to Cloud Nine and around Cloud Nine, April 2012 (YouTube, Chris Binding): Explorations in maze below NE Chamber & St Ann's (YouTube, Diane Arthurs, Simon Cornhill)
Detailed Survey :
1981 known cave low res high res
1998 known cave 1:1000
2007/8 Draft: contains new N passage but
still has old projected section and area maps
pdf 1:1000
2007/8 As above, but drawings visible pdf 1:1000
2012 Girly Day Out avens sketch jpg sketch
2023 Revision including batches 23-01 and -02 pdf pdf

Line Survey : on 258 Torcón de la Calleja Rebollo (Toad in the Hole) area line surveys
On area survey : North Vega caves - line survey
Survex file : yes (Easter 2012) (Amended magnetic declination December 2013 to align with Eur79 grid and coordinates altered to fit ETRS89 datum, April 2014.) : after summer 2023
Passage direction rose diagram: 30/6/2018