4537: Cueva Collada (entrada 2) ((Eastwater entrance))
La Gatuna 30T 449739 4798824 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: A) Altitude 193m
Length included in site 394, Cueva Collada Depth 52m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 6th October 2017

   The Easterwater entrance was discovered while searching for the known entrance to Cueva Collada (site 394). By parking on the road to the east or southeast of the hole, a shorter although steeper walk-in results, rather than coming in along the bottom of La Gatuna. Any finds (with photos) made through the Eastwater Entrance will be documented in the Cueva Collada description.

   Follow the pylons down until the brambles eventally stop progress just before you start going up the big hill again. A shake hole just to the right with just a few brambles surrounding it contains the cave, best accessed from the end. A cairn built in entrance (survey station 0) marks the cave.
    From entrance, a crawl leads off for a few metres before opening out again under a daylight shaft. An easy but slippery climb down from here leads into a large passage, that soon chokes. The way on is an excavated hole on the left that is a little tight. This is best done feet first. Be careful though, as just to the right of where you emerge is a 6m drop. The slot down was enlarged in the summer 2017.
    Once through the squeeze, start climbing down the drop. It is possible to descend to the bottom here but that is more of a pitch. Instead follow the obvious slanting traverse to the bottom of the chamber.
    Turn 180° and slide down through a hole between boulders into a small chamber. From here another 2m drop leads down to yet another small chamber in boulders. The way on is through a short, flat out crawl between boulders before a second short crawl leads into big passage again. Travel down the boulder slope and enter Cueva Collada at the "Drafting boulder choke" on the survey.  
Description by Alex Ritchie

References: anon., 2017b (Easter logbook)
Entrance pictures : April 2017
Underground pictures : April 2017
Video :
Detailed survey : pdf (with the survey of Cueva Collada. Note grid reference of this new entrance is wrong. Correct GR shown above.)
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file : standalone : as part of Cueva Collada
Passage direction rose diagram: 30/6/2018