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Water Tracing Investigations

The table below shows the water tracing investigations carried out through the caves of Matienzo and the surrounding hills. The first section shows traces to resurgences (in alphabetical order), the second traces into or within caves, the third documents "unsuccessful" or unresolved traces where all detectors stayed negative.
A high resolution water tracing map (Nov2024) from QGIS summarises the positive trace information in the first section.

Last updated (traced into Cueva del Selvijo and resurge at Loca 1): 17th November 2024.

Water tracing to a resurgence
Trace map code water source positively traced to ...


more information

FA-01 downstream Cueva Cobadal Fuente Aguanaz (San Antonio) 5 - 7 days OBA (Tinopal CBS-X ) 13/4/2006 - 18-20/4/2006 • website article
• NW area (2011)
FA-02 Sinks at Alisas Fuente Aguanaz (San Antonio) ? ? ? Notice boards at Fuente Aguanaz (removed 2021?)
FA-03 Duck Pond Sink Fuente Aguanaz (San Antonio) 4 - 7 days OBA (Leucophor) 27/3/2016 - 2/4/2016 logbook 1
FA-04 El Cubillón Fuente Aguanaz (San Antonio) 6 - 8 days OBA (Leucophor) 23/4/2017 - 4/5/2017 • logbook 1
• web page
FA-05 site 1969 near Alisas Fuente Aguanaz (San Antonio) 2 - 3 days OBA (Leucophor) 10/4/2018 - 13/4/2018 • summary table

BM-01 site 1757 Fuente de Barcena Morel (Arredondo) 20 days (dry weather) OBA (Leucophor) 28/5/2023 - 18/6/2023  logbook summer 2023

BO-01 Green Choke, Cueva Hoyuca Los Boyones (Secadura) via Duckham's Sump and Cueva Llueva 7 days fluorescein 12/8/1976 - 19/8/1976 logbook
BO-02 Sumidero de Carcavueso Los Boyones (Secadura) 10 hours fluorescein 12/4/1965

• Fernández Gutiérrez Juan Carlos, 1965
• 4kg used
• 4VS Hydrology (2012)

CO-01 downstream Cueva Vallina Cueva del Comediante (La Vega) via Reñada sump 1, but not Squirrel's Passage. 8 days OBA (Leucophor) 2/4/2015 - 10/4/2015 • website, Easter 2015
• SVS Hydrology
CO-02 site 4246 (Hoyón depression) Cueva del Comediante (La Vega) 4 - 7 days OBA (Leucophor) 7/4/2016 - 10/4/2016 website, Easter 2016
CO-03 Torca del Hoyón La Cuevona (newly added Comediante detector was negative) 16 - 19 days fluorescein 7/8/1985 - 26/8/1985 logbook 1 : 2

ES-01 Hoyo Mortiro Cueva Esquileña (between Riba and Ogarrio) 1 hour fluorescein 28/12/1965 Fernández Gutiérrez Juan Carlos, 1966
ES-02 Cueva del Orillón Cueva Esquileña (between Riba and Ogarrio) < 2 days OBA (Leucophor) 24/11/2015 - 26/11/2015 • logbook 1
• Summary diagram
Cueva del Orillón resurgence 4272 then Mortiro to Cueva Esquileña < 2 days OBA (Leucophor)

16/01/2016 - 20/01/2016

• logbook 1 : 2
• Summary diagram

JI-01 site 3886 Cueva de Jivero 1 3 days? OBA (Leucophor) 11/3/2015 - 13/3/2015 logbook 1 : 2
JI-02 site 3884 Cueva de Jivero 1 < 3 days OBA (Leucophor) 13/2/2016 - 16/2/2016 logbook 1

  Cueva de Loca II Cueva and regato de la Reguera (??) 2 days fluorescein 28/09/1965 Fernández Gutiérrez Juan Carlos, 1966

Sima-Cueva del Risco La Lisa and Cueva del Transformador via Cueva de Tiva 5 hours fluorescein 12/4/1965 Fernández Gutiérrez Juan Carlos, 1965

LO-01 Cueva del Selvijo Cueva de Loca I 7 hours fluorescein 10/10/1965 Fernández Gutiérrez Juan Carlos, 1966
LO-02 Cueva del Orillón Cueva de Loca I (light green) [Probably false] 8 hours fluorescein 31/10/1965 Fernández Gutiérrez Juan Carlos, 1966
LO-03a Cueva del Selvijo Cueva de Loca I < 4 days OBA (Leucophor) 30/10/2024 - 3/11/2024 Autumn 2024 logbook

RI-01 Torca del Hoyo la Encina (Moncobe) La Riega below Cueva la Verde c. 14 days in a dry spell OBA (Leucophor) 23/10/2016 - 7/11/2016 website, autumn 2016

1614-01 Fuente las Varas Pot tiny resurgence, site 1614 2 hours fluorescein 9/4/2001 logbook 1 : 2

  Tizones area       1965 October (Matienzo 50 pp12, 14)

3282-01 site 3010
(N Hornedo)
3282 (inconclusive) (5 days) OBA (Leucophor) 17/10/2017-22/10/2017 summary
3282-02 site 4658
(N Hornedo)
3282 (no control) (1 day) OBA (Leucophor) 5/2/2018-6/2/2018 card index
3282-03 site 3010
(N Hornedo)
3282 (2 days) OBA (Leucophor) 27/2/2018-1/3/2018 See site descriptions
3282-04 site 3566
3282 (2 days) OBA (Leucophor) 12/5/2018-14/5/2018 See site descriptions & logbook
Small scale water tracing within caves
  water source positively traced to ...


more information

HO-01 Chestnut Hole inlet to Gorilla Walk, Cueva Hoyuca 2 hours fluorescein 6/8/1988 logbook
LL-01 Astradome, Cueva Hoyuca Cueva Llueva at upstream and pitch, but not the Lake. 11 days fluorescein 19/7/1978 - 30/7/1978 logbook 1 : 2
HO-02 "Sink below Cuvia" site 2857 sump at Pull Up Passage, Cueva Hoyuca 30 hours fluorescein 9/04/2009 - 10/4//2009 logbook
LO-03b Cueva del Selvijo Cueva del Selvijo (internal) < 4 days OBA (Leucophor) 30/10/2024 - 3/11/2024 Autumn 2024 logbook
Unresolved traces
  water source detectors in...


more information

  Cubija sink near Regaton #0892 (i) Rioturto Inlet, Cueva Molino #0059
(ii) Fuente el Escalón #0280
- OBA (Leucophor) February 2024 2024
Jan-Feb logbook
Easter logbook

Juan Corrin & Peter Smith
June 2015 - now

References and further reading

Fernández Gutiérrez Juan Carlos, 1965. Nota sobre una coloracion de aguas efectuada en Matienzo. In Cuadernos de Espeleología Vol. 1. Santander. , pp 27 - 28. (Dye test from Risco to Transformador and Carcavuezo to Secadura).
Fernández Gutiérrez et al, 1966. La depresion cerrada de Matienzo. In Cuadernos de Espeleologia Vol. 2 , 107 pages. (with surveys & photos).