3282: Santa Juliana resurgence, Río
Hornedo 30T 449206 4801526 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 92m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 24th May, 18th November 2017; 20th February, 12th, 30th May 2018; 20th September 2019; 19th September 2021

   The resurgence that feeds the Santa Juliana stream. There is no possible entry at water level but there is a possible dig above. The water is reputed to come from Riaño but a source is site 3010. The site was revisited at Easter 2017 and in October a dye trace was attempted from site 3010 which proved inconclusive. (But see below.)

   In early February 2018, over a period with some heavy rain, optical brightener was detected here after 1 day from water sinking at site 4658, near Garzón, a straight line distance of 1.3km and altitude difference of about 95m. (Other checked resurgences that proved negative were 4046 (Canastrillas), 3316 and 4046.)
   In early March, OBA was detected here from site 3010, taking 2 days or less.
   On 12th May, 2018 OBA was put into the water at site 3566 and detected with a "clear positive" here on the 14th. There was some moderate rain between those two days. A detector in the River RiaƱo near the bridge at 30T 0.449.529 4.801.033 remained negative. A background check was run before before, with both detectors negative. Detectors left in from the 14th to the 19th were also both negative.
   More details for these traces and a map can be seen on the hydrology page.

   In August 2019, a couple of under water digging trips were undertaken in the resurgence pool and one trip in the summer 2021, where a low, but passable, way on was revealed. The site now needs a diver to continue.

Link to entry in the Cave Diving Sump Index.

References: anon., 2009c (summer logbook); anon., 2017b (Easter logbook); anon., 2017d (autumn logbook); anon., 2018a (January, February logbook); anon., 2018b (Easter logbook); anon., 2019d (summer logbook)
Entrance pictures: 2009 and 2018 : 2019
Underground pictures :
Video : resurgence pool (YouTube)
Detailed Survey :
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file :