Matienzo Caves Project 2010 - 2019
Title: Matienzo Caves Project 2010 - 2019
Editor: Juan Corrin
Translator: Carolina Smith de la Fuente
ISBN: 978-0-9566045-2-1
Publication date: December 15th, 2020
Pages: 518 including indices
Page size: 297mm x 210mm (A4 portrait); depth 30mm
Format: Full colour throughout / dual language - English / Spanish
Available from: Juan Corrin, price £26/30€ (plus p&p).
Send email to for payment details.
(Cheque, bank transfer or PayPal are acceptable).
Also available from Inglesport and Starless River, and from the following agents in the UK:
Steve Martin, Nigel Dibben, Tony Haigh, Allan Richardson, Bill Nix and Tony Radmall.
Back cover blurb: Cavers have been exploring and documenting caves around Matienzo, in Cantabria, since the 1960s. There are now over 5000 sites of speleological interest ranging from small, draughting holes to the 67km-long Four Valleys System. This dual language book covers the last 10 years of exploration, 2010 - 2019, and is fully illustrated with maps, cave surveys and photos. More than 30 authors and 80 photographers have contributed, providing in-depth accounts of the explorations and scientific investigations, including palaeo-climate research, cave life, cave diving and archaeology updates, personal reminiscences and a full account of the expeditions' work over the decade.
Espeleólogos han explorado y documentado cavidades alrededor de Matienzo, en Cantabria, desde la década de 1960. En la actualidad hay más de 5000 cavidades de interés espeleológico que van desde pequeños agujeros sopladores hasta el Sistema de los Cuatro Valles de 67 km de desarrollo. Este libro bilingüe recoge los últimos 10 años de exploración, 2010-2019, y está ilustrado con mapas, topografías y fotos. Han participado en él más de 30 autores y 80 fotógrafos, proporcionando descripciones detalladas de las exploraciones e investigaciones científicas, desde estudios paleoclimáticos, la vida en las cuevas, espeleobuceo a arqueología, recuerdos personales y una crónica completa del trabajo de las expediciones a lo largo de la década.
Errors, Omissions, Corrections, Clarifications
• A couple of additions to the Cave Diving chapter notified by Rupert Skorupka, 5/5/2021
1. The upstream Cueva Molino sump was dived by myself to point 340m in at -78m in 1997. I then returned in 2003 and laid a further 50m of line to 390m at -82, at which point I realised the sump was going back down rather than rising, so I stopped here. During the later dive by Artur and Chris Jewell, Artur picked up and laid line off my reel, so CJ following, will have wrongly assumed he started from some point further back.
2. In 2011, I dived in the Rub a Dub Dubs sump in Reñada, credited to have been explored by Mark Smith to 100m from base. In fact, I found Mark's tie off at c.70m in, and I continued to 150m at a depth of 15m, before reeling back in a bit to look for a belay, and then dropping the reel in a silt out.
• p432 0020 Cueva de la Loca II (not I) |
Links, mentions and reviews
• Reviewed by Chris Howes in Descent 278, page 14:
... the editing has been done with care and produces a satisfying feeling of accuracy and readability...
... There is something here for everyone.
• Over the last few weeks I have very much enjoyed dipping into the 2010-2019
book, not just because of the amazing quantity and quality of the content
but also because of the quality of the editing. And my forearms got a free
workout, too! :-) - Mike Cowlishaw
• Superb ! what a great book, top quality production, photos, stories.
• The book was included in the shortlist of publications for the 2020 Tratman Award.
From Descent 288: "... is a tour de force of organisation and record keeping, commendably also using a dual-language format. It represents an immense amount of work and is justifiably part of this shortlist" |