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MATIENZO CAVES PROJECT QGIS v3 with Matienzo Caves Project Data |
• This page is longer updated while a better way of distributing the information is investigated. Download and installation of the programme and data On your PC, the Matienzo data files and folders will all be in a C:\MCP-QGIS3 folder which should be created if not already present. |
Installation & help | The help pdf file for installing the QGIS v3 application and using the Matienzo Caves Project data. (Updated 27/5/2024) |
QGIS - v3 | 1st time user The programme download from the QGIS site. >>> |
Version 3.28LTR download then install. Installation may take 30 minutes! You may wish to install the latest version. |
Matienzo CP Data 1: A1.zip 2: A2.zip 3: B.zip |
1st time user |
Unzip A1 & A2 into the C:\MCP-QGIS3/panos folder and unzip B to provide folders and files to populate the C:\MCP-QGIS3 folder. |
Items to update the C:\MCP-QGIS3 folder: (MCP-QGIS3-update.zip) |
Regular Users (Updates appear here) Zip file contains updated/new files/folders for the MCP-QGIS3 folder. This download includes all (previously) updated files, including the latest .qgs map file. Approximately 8Gb download. (Updated 27/5/2024) |
Unzip the MCP-QGIS3-updates.zip file. Rename the folder "MCP-QGIS3" then drag and drop it over the C:\MCP-QGIS3\ folder. The contents will merge: allow files to be replaced when asked. |
- - - OR - - - | ||
Automatic download and installation of the updated data with Windows 10 PowerShell script. | Right-click and Save link as... Download a script to download and install only the UPDATE (Update-MCP-QGIS.ps1) (The Windows 10 PowerShell script can be inspected in a text editor to check it out.) |
Right-click over the downloaded Update-MCP-QGIS.ps1 file and select Run with PowerShell The MCP zipped data file will be downloaded, unzipped, folders created as necessary and distributed throughout the structure outlined in the manual methods above. You will have to allow the system to overwrite old files at the end. (Windows 7 users will have to use the manual method.) |
All users Double click on the MCP_3_240525.qgs file to start the QGIS v3 application with the latest Matienzo CP data. |