0486: Fuente de la Pila, Cueva de (Cazadores, Cueva de los; 2735 (French: SCD))
Riva 30T 452933 4793582 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 378m
Length 500m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 18th January 2004; 31st October, 18th December 2007; 16th, 20th February 2018; 14th November 2022

A 6m high and wide entrance is well-hidden in jungle. Progress is halted along the large passage by a vertical bank of clay about 100m in. A 4m scale reaches the continuation which lowers to a flatout crawl after another 200m. According to Valero Enrique y Soriano Ángel, 2007, the end here comes close to a passage in Torca de Blas.

A passage on the right near to the end contains a 4m pitch into a well decorated segment. It seems to be in this section that cavers from Cuenca in May 1994 have discovered more passage to extend the cave. Thirty metres before reaching the clay wall there is a series of small rift passages on the right which return towards the surface. These appear to come close to site 4662.

Two bear skeletons were found near the end of the main passage in 1983 and in December 2007 a number of flints were found in the cave near the entrance.

Valero Enrique y Soriano Ángel, 2007 has an area map showing the following sites: Rio Seco, Cueva Brazada, Torca de Blas, Cueva de La Pila, Cueva de Coquisera and Cueva del Coverón. The same publication has the length of the cave as 520m.

References: pers comm; material in file; anon., 1993a (survey); anon., 1994c (survey); anon., 1993a (AEC Lobetum); Valero Enrique y Soriano Ángel, 2007; anon., 2018a (January, February logbook); Simonnot G, 2022
Entrance picture :
Underground picture(s): 2007 : 2018
Detailed Survey : 1:1000 (A slightly extended but less detailed survey appears in reference CM).
From anon., 1993a (AEC Lobetum): high res  low res
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file :