0427: Lastrilla, Torca de
N Vega 30T 449394 4796374 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 358m
Length 275m Depth 118m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 5th March 2000; 8th June 2002; 9th November 2003; 25th Febraury 2007; 25th June, 7th October 2010; 5th October 2011; 17th September 2014; 21st September 2018; 7th January 2019

Incomplete description

An aerial panorama and video were taken over the area to the north of the entrance in the summer 2018. See aerial panos and videos page.

The 7m entrance shaft is in clean, white limestone and lands in a descending rift with lots of loose boulders. This drops into a hading rift at right angles and the top of a 16m pitch which is tackled in two steps. A steeply sloping boulder-filled rift reaches another rift requiring a short ladder to reach the head of a 37m pitch. At the base ..........BETTER THAN WHAT'S IN '81-'82???

Up a stal cascade above the 37m pitch is a superb view out into a very large chamber stretching out below. A 20m ladder is needed on the slope down to the floor. The 10m square passage continues as a ramp down ending in ??m pitch to a mud-floored chamber.

At the north eastern end is a loose climb on boulders up to a small hole which ends at the head of an extremely loose, 16m pitch. The base draughts slightly but is not a good digging site.

The site was re-explored in 1996. Can someone re-write the above?

The cave was tackled up at Easter 2010 with a view to re-exploration around the pitches below the entrance. The p24 was left as it became too tight for SRT. A chamber is visible through a gap that needs enlarging and there is also a chamber visible at the "?" at the top of the p24. In 2014, the tight rift next to the p24 was descended and was seen to link with the main p24m.
In the summer, in the chamber at the base of the 37m pitch, a very tight squeeze around a right angled bend was followed to where a small chamber can be seen through a slot. This slot was enlarged then further enlarged in the summer 2011. Removal of floor debris and further enlargement allowed access to an aven with pitch below. This pitch is more than 10m deep and needs work at the top before a descent can be made. (Sketch) This was descended in 2014 to 9.8m to a passage at the bottom that is too tight. It is worth enlarging as there is a draught and it seems to be trending downwards.

References: anon., 1983a (Easter logbook); Corrin J, 1983c (survey); anon., 1985b (logbook); Garcia J L, 1987; material in file; Corrin J, 1994a; Corrin Juan, 1995b; anon., 1996b (logbook); García José León, 1997 (survey); anon., 2000a (February logbook); anon., 2007a (February logbook); anon., 2010b (Easter logbook); anon., 2010c (summer logbook); León García José, 2010 (Volume 1 and Volume 2) (survey and photo); Corrin Juan, 2011; anon., 2011d (summer logbook); anon., 2014c (summer logbook); anon., 2018c (summer logbook)
Entrance pictures : yes
Underground picture(s): from summer 2014 : from summer 2011 : from Easter 2010 : from 1985
Detailed Survey : from 1983: low res  high res : sketch of 2011 extension to p10+
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file : yes (Amended magnetic declination December 2013 to align with Eur79 grid and coordinates altered to fit ETRS89 datum, April 2014.)
on Cubija System survey