Digital photos in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage, Torca La Vaca
by Arthur Vause, Diane Arthurs, and Neil Rumney
with Tom Howard and Simon Cornhill, August 2019.

Di with formations in Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
L to R: Tom Howard, Arthur Vause, Neil Rumney, Simon Cornhill and Diane Arthurs in Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Neil with formations in Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Tom with formations in Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Di in Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.
Formations in and around Kendal Mint Cake Passage.