Digital photos in Cueva de los Tres Niños, #0565 by Alex Ritchie and Sam Davis
with Jim Davis, Rowan Jurgens and Gracie Sharp, March 2024.

Gracie coming through the "squeeze in entrance series".
Gracie coming through the "squeeze in entrance series".
Old bolt for handline climb down
Looking down the previously undropped 3m pitch
Formations at bottom of 3m pitch
Rowan in formations towards end of main passage East
Alex in formations towards end of main passage East
Alex in formations towards end of main passage East
Rowan facing west in main passage beyond rope climb.
Sam descending the undropped 5 m pitch in the side rift.
Sam descending the undropped 5 m pitch in the side rift.
Looking along the rift passage, Jim blocking it futher on.
Largest bit of main chamber with crack visible in the roof.
Gracie with the small amount of tackle we brought with us.
Moth near the entrance (determined as Triphosia dubitata Linn.) by Terry Whitaker.
Boulder collection in south main chamber
Jim at top of new boulder mountain showing huge crack on left of image, and chucks of ceiling ready to go in lower right of image. 
Jim at top of new boulder mountain showing huge crack on left of image, and chucks of ceiling ready to go in lower right of image. 
Bolt at top of slope into main chamber, needs replacing?
Gracie with formation.