Digital photos from Cueva Asiul by Juan Corrin (A1-L3)
Phil Papard (L4-P1), autumn 2007 with Ian Chandler, eg H4;
Juan Corrin, eg F5; Steve Martin, eg L4 and Penny Corrin, eg N4.
A1-B1: Burnt bones with crystals and possible implement marks, eg. A3.
B2,3: Hanging bat.
B5: One of a number of charcoal floor deposits.
C1: The low entrance down to the charred bones.
J4,5; K1,2: Charcoal marks on the wall.
K3: Deer skull on the entrance slope.
K4,5: Nest with pierced eggs.
L1-3, O5: Herald moth on a wall of barite crystals(?).
The remaining photos show some of the range of eccentrics, colourful
flows and calcite growths to be found in the cave. |