5307: Meses, Fuente (3444 (French: SCD))
Arredondo 30T 452288 4793178 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 502m
Length 10m Height 1
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

The information for this site has been shared by Guy Simonnot (Simonnot G, 2022) and roughly translated from the French using Google Translate as a starting point. The original grid reference used ED50 datum which has been converted to the ETRS89 datum above, with the altitude taken off the MCP QGIS map.

   Captured perennial spring which supplies farms 150 m below, along the road from Llaneces to Solores. The entrance is protected by a gate.
    A just penetrable crawl, active at first, goes up following the dip. It splits and on the right the gallery covered for a few metres could be extended by pushing a few blocks. A draught is felt.
    Opening just at the base of the Colorado Formation, the spring probably drains the small plateau of sandstone moors rising north/northwest and Tocornal. Outside the catchment, the water supplies the sumidero of Meses (MCP4840 / SCD2725).

Reference: Simonnot G, 2022
Entrance pictures : August 2022
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