5285: resurgence (3306 (French: SCD)) (GZ120)
Alisas 30T 446932 4793748 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 519m
Length 97m Height 7m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

The information for this site has been shared by Guy Simonnot (Simonnot G, 2022) and roughly translated from the French using Google Translate as a starting point. The altitude has been taken off the MCP QGIS map.

    The location is about sixty metres above the road that climbs from Bustablado via Tabladillo towards the Alisas pass. About 250 m north of Fuente de Campas (n° 2400)
    This is an active resurgence of small dimensions. The entrance is half hidden by a block and is one metre above and to the right of the water exit. After the entrance and for about ten metres, follow a water collection pipe. Most of the course is done on all fours and the moments when you can stand up are rare. Towards the most upstream point, the dimensions become more and more reduced and the continuation is done in small ducts. At the higher point, too severe a narrowing marks the end, which would need to be enlarged to continue. The absence of draughts, even with flowing water, is almost total throughout the hole, which does not encourage work to be done.

Reference: Simonnot G, 2022
Entrance picture :
Underground pictures :

Detailed survey : 2020
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file :