5268: shaft (2991 (French: SCD))
Las Garma 30T 445428 4794279 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 645m
Length 42m Depth 36m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

The information for this site has been shared by Guy Simonnot (Simonnot G, 2022) and roughly translated from the French using Google Translate as a starting point. The original grid reference used ED50 datum which has been converted to the ETRS89 datum above, with the altitude taken off the MCP QGIS map.

   The entrance is protected by blocks to prevent animals from falling. In the first 6m shaft, we found a spit left by former explorers. The lack of references prompted the exploration of the hole.
    After the first pitch, you reach a chaotic room on a steep slope filled with blocks. The continuation is at the bottom where a 9 m shaft, narrow in its entire length, also presents old anchorages. At the bottom, a short ramp brings us to the head of an 8m shaft which had to be opened due to the narrowness of the passage. A short meander leads to a last 6 m pit with no possible continuation at the bottom. The draught that one feels in the hole can come from a large chimney above the last pitch.

Reference: Simonnot G, 2022
Entrance picture : May 2020
Underground pictures :

Detailed survey : 2020
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file :