5232: Falla 1, Torca (2662 (French: SCD))
Bustablado 30T 449673 4791905 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 245m
Length 10m Depth 10m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

The information for this site has been shared by Guy Simonnot (Simonnot G, 2022) and roughly translated from the French using Google Translate as a starting point. The original grid reference used ED50 datum which has been converted to the ETRS89 datum above, with the altitude taken off the MCP QGIS map.

  Prospecting along a major fault that borders the valley of the Río Bustablado on its left bank. At the foot of the great relief of fault (under the road going up to Alisas) well marked collapses underline the route of the geological accident. At least three have penetrable shafts of about ten meters with underlying voids that seem comfortable. A good current of air comes out. In the woods, just above the Arredondo water reservoir and very slightly to the west. bouldering chasm (8 to 10 m) with room below? alternating air current?

Reference: Simonnot G, 2022
Entrance picture :
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