5193: Fuentes, Cueva de (3149 (French: SCD))
Llaneces 30T 451097 4792430 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 345m
Length 80m Depth 7m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 20th November 2022

   [An alternative grid reference is 451093,4792431]
   A 10 x 3m high entrance, well hidden in the woods above the Fuentes resurgence, leads to about 60m? of walking passage with possibilities for extension in the floor and roof. Bones have been found but, after a visit by Emilio and colleagues, there is no proof that they may be prehistoric. The entrance has low walls that may be the remains of dwellings or animal shelters.

From the Exploration Diary
Tuesday, December 8, 2020 Participants: David Gonzales Cobo, Jesus (veterinarian), Guy Simonnot, Magin Ulises Our neighbor David found a beautiful cave on the slope overlooking the source of Fuentes. The imposing porch (10 x 3 m) had escaped prospecting and does not seem to have been known to the current neighbours. It must be said that it is well hidden in a lapiazed slope and a forest of encinas with its plethora of zarzaparillas which make progress difficult.
    The large entrance gallery unfortunately stops after about forty meters on huge clayey-sandy fillings and calcite false ceilings (rolling mill 5 m). Bags and a rusty shovel show that the sand was harvested there. Two small windows give access to a conduit below and to a pitch that David had seen empty but which we find drowned, abundantly fed by a real waterfall (it has been raining for several days). We will have to come back in dry weather.    Towards the entrance, a side channel is cleared and also gives back to a substantial but impenetrable water circulation. The topo of the main conduit is carried out.
May 21, 2022 We were able to take advantage of the great drought to descend the p4 leading to the lower gallery, clayey and quickly finished on a small chimney (not topo). But the most interesting is the terminal squeeze. Crossed by a clear current of air blowing this day, it seems to continue in the axis of the large gallery beyond a currently impenetrable passage. (Guy Simonnot, Peter Smith)

Reference: anon., 2022b (Easter logbook); Simonnot G, 2022
Entrance pictures : December 2020 and May 2022
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