5109: shaft
S Vega 30T 452764 4794272 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 470m
Length 10m Depth 7m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 21st May 2022

  A shallow grassy area contains an shaft hidden under grass and ferns at the narrowest point between bedrock.
  Explored in April 2022, this site is a 6m pitch in a narrow rift aligned 15° - 195° with a further too tight one metre drop. Roots were seen at the base. Other obscured holes on the surface link in. The site was "grade 2" surveyed and the data has been archived but not drawn up.

Reference: anon., 2021d (autumn logbook); anon., 2022b (Easter logbook)
Entrance pictures : October 2021 : April 2022
Underground picture :
Video :
Detailed survey : position sketch
Line Survey :
On area survey :
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