5038: cave
S Vega 30T 449947 4795292 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 273m
Length 35m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

This site was discovered while others in the area were being repositioned and re-examined in the early summer, 2020.
   The main entrance is a large rock-shelter hidden behind trees, but in the same cliff face as site 1043. The passage on the right inside the shelter is about 12m long to a choke. On the east side of the rock-shelter, a stooping-size passage gradually gets lower and emerges at another entrance, it also connects through a crawl to another small cave that ends at a constriction. This is close to the western entrance of 1043. [Description: Peter Smith]

References: anon., 2020c (Spring, summer logbook)
Entrance pictures : 2020
Underground picture : 2020
Video :
Detailed survey : sketch, 2020
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file :