5036: Covachera, Cueva de
Villanueva 30T 447896 4804715 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: A) Altitude 81m
Length 15m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 16th September, 31st October 2020; 11th November 2021; 23rd May, 30th September 2023; 3rd May 2024

   First documented as site X026 and first surveyed by Emilio and co.
   A low 8.8m long cave (resurveyed 2020) with a possible draughting dig at the end on the right (not shown on the original survey). Two metres was gained here in September 2021. A left hand bend reaches a very low, but draughting, dig. Further progress was made in April 2023.
   Two visits in August 2023 removed 25 tubs of spoil and, after passing a low passage on the left, reached a low chamber with more digging required, "but not looking very promising". The draught seemed to have been lost. It was found that the low passage on the left was taking a good draught so, next time, the digging focus will be there.

  After a check for badgers in April 2024, several hours was spent digging in sandy fill with the odd awkward boulder removed for a distance of about 1.5m. Unfortunately, only a space 30cm x30cm over solid fill for at least two metres was revealed so there are no plans to return, despite the good draught.
   A large shakehole past the end of the cave was found to be full of old roof tiles and bricks, etc.

References: anon., 2020a (January / February logbook); anon., 2020c (Spring, summer logbook); anon., 2021d (autumn logbook); anon., 2023b (Easter logbook); anon., 2023c (summer logbook); anon., 2024b (Easter logbook)
Entrance picture :
Underground pictures : 2020
Video :
Detailed survey : original : 2020
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file :