4939: cave
Hazas de Cesto (west) 30T 452795 4805850 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 65m
Length 10m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 3rd May 2024

   Significant water works, obvious and hidden, are found below a wooded limestone outcrop just north of the "mothballed" housing estate at Hazas de Cesto. An fenced, large holding tank stands next to the road and, a few metres to a south, a manhole cover hides a large flanged pipe. Whether the abstracted water is being pumped up a borehole from the depths or whether a shallow rising has been captured is unclear.
   A prominent walking route up a gully between smooth limestone buttresses encounters a rift on the right. (The position above may be a bit out due to the tree cover.)
   The walk-in rift with an alcove on the left has a possible dig through a narrow section.
   The site was revisited in April 2024.

References: anon., 2019b (Easter logbook); anon., 2024b (Easter logbook)
Entrance picture : April 2019
Underground picture : April 2019
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