4627: Inclinada, SIma
Garzón, Solórzano 30T 450149 4803681 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 325m
Length 94m Depth 59m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

   A large shakehole contains a 5m diameter shaft which is used as a rubbish tip. The first trip explored to the end of a 52m rope. The descending passage in a rift is 4m wide at the entrance then 1m wide at bottom of the rubbish heap. Three pitches, about 10m long, leads to a narrow canyon climb down to the next short pitch. This shaft descends to a chamber 2.5m diameter and 8m high. The cave continues as a very small, draughting tight crawl. There is water in the crawl and chamber.

References: anon., 2017d (autumn logbook)
Entrance pictures : October 2017
Underground picture : October 2017
Video :
Detailed survey : October 2017 plan and elevation
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file : yes