4417: cave
S Vega 30T 452237 4794971 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 377m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 28th October 2016; 26th September 2018

   A rock shelter to the east of site 4416. This has a strong draught out. It has been excavated to a narrow rift that will require a lot of work to progress. A voice connection was made with site 4416 in the summer, 2018.

References: anon., 2016b (Easter logbook); anon., 2016c (summer logbook); anon., 2018c (summer logbook)
Entrance pictures : April 2016 & July 2018
Underground picture :
Video : 4416 / 4417 area fly-over (YouTube)
Detailed survey :
Line Survey :
On area survey :
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