4379: Laverón, Torca de (2282 (French: SCD))
Bustablado 30T 448245 4792775 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: M) Altitude 549m
Length 42m Depth 36m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 4th October 2017; 26th September 2018; 19th November 2022

First documented SC Dijon, October 2015 as a spacious pit about 20m deep.

The information below has been roughly translated from the French, Spéléo-Club Dijon reference, Simonnot G, 2018

Linares South (Peña Laverón)
Pitch of 29 m with a particularly regular omega section in the last 20m. At the bottom, a long corridor, cluttered with various debris (bones, shards of bottles, etc goes under another beautiful chimney and is irreparably blocked at -36.
The torca opens at the top of the limestones of Vallina. Their outcrop in this area of Linares forms the southern limit of the Comellante in Matienzo water supply basin.
The chasm is indicated to Guy Simonnot by José Luis Maza in October 2015 and descended June 2017. Despite the absence of traces of equipment it is not impossible that the cavity was already seen by the speleologists of Tortosa (in the 1990s?)

References: Simonnot G, 2016; anon., 2017c (summer logbook); Simonnot G, 2018; Simonnot G, 2022
Entrance pictures : 2017
Underground pictures :
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Detailed survey : elevation
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On area survey :
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