4282: Manchega, Fuente (Bustablado, Fuente de) (2038 (French: SCD))
Bustablado 30T 446579 4793108 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: M) Altitude 305m
Length 4m Depth 1m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 25th September 2018

An alternative GPS reading is ETRS89 0446588 4793104.

The information below has been roughly translated from the French, Spéléo-Club Dijon reference, Simonnot G, 2016.

Upstream of the old mill and on the right bank of the arroyo de Bustablado (or Tabladillo). Water comes from a modest and low gallery that seems to sump quickly, although in a dry period there may be airspace (no draught). The conduit is largely occupied by a large sand deposit and the rising is used as a supply for Bustablado. The flow has been estimated as between 10 - 100 litres/second from dry to wet periods.

References: anon., 2016a (January, February logbook); Simonnot G, 2016; Simonnot G, 2018
Entrance picture : yes
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