4277: Colorado 2, Cueva de (2008 (French: SCD))
La Azuela 30T 450122 4792869 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 533m
Length 41m Depth 4m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 25th September 2018; 22nd September, 17th November 2022

  A small cave with an internal wall about 120m to the east of Cueva de Colorado 1 (site 1393).
   From Simonnot G, 2022: "At the end of the big meander, the bull's-eye in height (impenetrable) turns out to be traversed by a sensitive current of air (May 21, 2022)". A new grid reference is shown above.

References: Degouve de Nuncques Patrick et Simonnot Guy, 1989; Simonnot G, 2016; Simonnot G, 2018; anon., 2022c (summer logbook); Simonnot G, 2022
Entrance pictures : yes
Underground picture : 2022
Video :
Detailed survey : yes (from Degouve de Nuncques Patrick et Simonnot Guy, 1989)
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file :