The entrance in woods, initially in "massive brambles", was pointed out by a farmer. It then took 10 minutes to cut a 20m path to the 2 x 1m entrance. Twenty metres of walking-size cave leads to a second entrance (small and overgrown) and another 15m of walking-size passage to a calcite boss. A couple of digging sessions removed enough of this to allow a team through - after a small person had squeezed through to the other side and reported back.
"Beyond the stal boss is an old, wide stream passage, floor crusted with stal as before. This was roughly 2m wide by 2m high. It continues with the same profile for a while until a few slightly higher inlet passages that cut across the higher part of the main passage. Toward the end of the main passage is a collection of stals and columns behind which is a small boulder choke which must be fairly close to the surface due to the roots seen. Back in the main passage is a calcite false floor with a hollow underneath."
This hole has been excavated as it appears to take all the draught.
At the second entrance, a draughting hole in the floor has been dug to a 1m high, 0.4m wide rift which appears to take a stream in wet weather.
Reference: anon., 2011d (summer logbook)
Entrance pictures: yes
Underground pictures : yes
Video :
Detailed Survey : yes
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file : yes (Amended magnetic declination December 2013 to align with Eur79 grid and coordinates altered to fit ETRS89 datum, April 2014.)