3406: shaft
Hornedo 30T 447613 4801010 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 147m
[An alternative GPS is ETRS89: 30T 447612 4801002]
Depth 40m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 5th November 2010; 21st May 2023; 5th May 2024

When searched for in April 2023, the entrance seemed to have been bulldozed out of existence.

A draughting dig which enters a 40m shaft. The base extends down through boulders.

The Easter 2010 logbook has:
The hole in the shakehole near the road was dug open, inspected at the top and then the second pitch (40m ish) descended. The rift choked at the bottom.
A boulder slope partway down the pitch can be swung into. Up the slope some vertical jammed boulders with a lot of space above suggested a return was required with more gear plus back-up. During two more trips the boulder step was climbed over and a horizontal, 10m long, decent sized passage led to a hole immediately before the passage ended at a run-in from above.
A descent of 40 odd metres via another boulder slope and a couple of re-belays landed at the bottom of a big rift on another sloping boulder floor. At the bottom of this the rift choked, the way on being a continuing slope downwards to the left into a small chamber. The way out of this led into a big choked area. Back in the rift at the bottom of the pitch the way upslope eventually seemed to peter out.

The cave needs surveying plus another good look, not least to find the source of the strong draught felt at the entrance.

Reference: anon., 2010b (Easter logbook); anon., 2010b (Easter logbook); Corrin Juan, 2011; anon., 2023b (Easter logbook)
Entrance pictures: yes
Underground pictures : 2010 : Easter 2023
Video :
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