3335: cave
San Antonio 30T 445911 4801274 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 104m
Length 15m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

This hole is found by entering the next shakehole from Cueva Laberinto and follow the right side uphill to a rift in the side of the bank. The rift drops 2m to 2 ways on at right angles to the rift.
The right passage enters a small chamber and chokes. The left hand branch starts with a squeeze into a small chamber then a right turn for 3m to a left turn into a 4m wide chamber with soil run-in up to the roof. There is a hole at the base of the run-in but routes here choke in all directions.
The length is a guess.

References: anon., 2009d (autumn logbook)
Entrance pictures: yes
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