3009: resurgence
San Antonio 30T 446739 4801150 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 143m
Length 25m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 30th October 2010

A small, draughting resurgence by the side of the road. Any sink on the other side of the road has not been seen.

The cave was first entered at Easter 2010 then, in ignorance, in the summer.

A tight crawl goes for 10m to where a flowstone constriction was removed. This is followed by a flat out squeeze in water into a low, 3m diameter chamber where it is just possible to sit upright. After a squeeze over blocks, the passage continues in the same manner as the entrance, but rather more aqueous. After approx 10m there is a widening sufficient to allow turning round, before narrowing again, at which point the way on is prevented by a long fin of rock running vertically down the centre of the passage, making further progress impossible at present (except for Mandy Foo perhaps?). The passage appears to contine for a further 10m+ and out of line of sight.
On a warm Easter day there was a very strong outward draught with water flowing out throuhout length of visible passage.
Passage is at approx 90 degrees to the road and is running south into the hillside, seemingly straight towards site 3118 (Alum Pot).
Beware of rotten wooden lid by the entrance and rusty nails sticking out of where it used to be secured - easy to kneel on these although most of them have been bent over.

In the summer, the cave was explored "through flatout to a cross rift", with the length about 25m and continuing.

Reference: anon., 2008e (summer logbook); anon., 2010c (summer logbook)
Entrance pictures: yes
Underground pictures : yes
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