2997: caves (2)
El Naso 30T 451671 4796277 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: A) Altitude 417m
Length 22m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 10th January 2022

   The grid reference has been derived from SIGPAC.
    Two caves lie at the head of a grassy gully, by a large hawthorn tree. The cave on the left is a small 6m long passage leading to a chamber with a flowstone left hand wall. The entrance on the right leads to a crawl becoming very small after 15m. The cave contains some cobbles and, like nearby 1572, is probably evidence of a very old level of development.
   The caves were surveyed for the centre line in November 2021.

Reference: anon., 2008d (Whit logbook); anon., 2021f (Christmas logbook)
Entrance pictures: yes
Underground pictures :
Video :
Detailed Survey :
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file : 2021