2831: resurgence & sink
San Antonio 30T 445720 4800313 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 195m
Length 8m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 5th January 2015; 6th January 2018; 20th May, 18th September 2019

    A thicket with a small resurgence cave, 8m long to where it becomes impassible. The draughting sink has been cleared of vegetation but a serious dig is required, even after some capping was carried out in November 2014.
   The site has taken on more importance as it is sitting over sump 6b in an inlet to Sarah Jean Passage in Fuente Aguanaz (0713).
    In May 2019, the site was draughting well and thought to be "well worth further work". However, in the summer, it was thought to be a massive digging prospect with some boulders to deal with. A dig some 3m to the east at a draughting slot was worked on and, at a depth of about one metre, it seems to open up on the down-slope side. One more days digging would tell if it is worth any more effort - but it does not look promising as it may be the top of a massive boulder area. In the dry streambed and depression below, two further holes were dug, both draught but they look difficult to make good progress.

Reference: anon., 2007e (autumn + Christmas logbook); anon., 2008c (Easter logbook); anon., 2014d (autumn logbook); anon., 2019b (Easter logbook); anon., 2019d (summer logbook)
Entrance picture: 2007 : November 2014 : May 2019
Underground picture :
Video : digging November 2014 (YouTube) : May 2019 (YouTube)
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