2479: shaft
Riaño 30T 452522 4799322 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 285m
Length 10m Depth 5m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 8th October 2006; 27th September 2012

A shaft covered with large rocks with a good echo and strong draught at Easter 2006. The shaft was opened up in July 2006 and a 3m pitch dropped into a rift. To the right the passage can be seen to get bigger after another metre. The left route goes for 3m but gets very tight. The site was re-explored in 2012 with the comment, "no obvious way to extend".

Reference: anon., 2006b (Easter logbook); anon., 2006d (summer 2006); anon., 2012d (summer logbook)
Entrance pictures : yes
Underground pictures: yes
Video : yes (16Mb)
Detailed Survey :
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