2381: shaft
Barrio La Mina 30T 444751 4800406 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 162m
Length 100m Depth 15m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 23rd May 2014; 6th January 2018

In a depression with an occasional stream shown on the map. A 3m wide, 10m deep undescended shaft which was discovered in 2006 but not explored until 2014 as it was out of the permit area. The length and depth are a guess requiring confirmation through a survey.

A bolted wall with a 7m ladder climb past vertical jammed boulders allows access to a large chamber. Local farmers have been here to collect water as old pipes and channels are in evidence.

On the north side across the chamber, a 20m high aven with a small high level inlet and possible passage at the top. To the east, below the ladder and behind a large boulder is an inward draughting drop into an area of passage and chambers terminated by boulders and run-ins. (A return is required with joss sticks). Is this the exploration described as "Behind boulder below entrance slope on the right. Small chamber approx 5m long and 2m wide by 1m high. All ways blocked by rubbish and boulders. About 5m long" ?

Moving anticlockwise from the north, a small inlet passage enters which splits in two. Both ways continue small and unexplored. (Has this been explored as, "To the left of the 20m high aven under the rock arch. Comfortable crawling over rocks and cobbles reaches right hand branch that quickly chokes. Left hand branch goes for a bit further before choking in a small boulder choke. Length 12m.")

To the west, now at right angles to the major joint in the entrance chamber, a low section opens up into a walking-size continuation - large and with boulders and a few formations to a point where a roof collapse may bar the way on at this level. However, an obvious way down under the collapse opens immediately onto a pitch.

From 19/4/2014: There is a small waterfall to the left of the entrance pitch (when facing away). A small climb following the water leads to a too-tight squeeze. However, hidden passage on the right leads to muddy, sideways going. After some distance a calcite obstruction is passed before easier passage leads to larger passage at a corner (right). Harder going in tight passage ends abruptly at a very difficult left hand turn. The passage appears to close down ahead. (Length 15m)

This second ?m pitch drops into a chamber with a further drop. There are 2 possible ways on at the base of the rubble slope. The western one was too tight to get down past a large boulder, but the size of the rock was reduced allowing access. Care is needed as the boulder is now split in two and holding up the slope above. There are two spits in the wall for a ladder to avoid touching the boulder. Below leads after a few metres to a three-way junction where one passage chokes almost immediately; another is a small triangular passage and the third goes a few metres to a junction where right is a choke and straight on degenerates into a snug body-sized tube with sand and water on the floor. This goes for some distance without showing any sign of improvement. The end is described as becoming worse at a 70° bend to the right: "water deepens as well as the mud. Forward progress becomes almost impossible. Passage does not appear to improve in front, although dripping was heard." (Length 20m).
The eastern rift was excavated to small rift passages and cross joints which lead, after about 8m, to a small hole in a calcite flow. After a couple of sessions enlarging, the constriction was passed. A crawl leads to a small calcited chamber. To the right a slope leads up where the passage becomes too tight with calcited rocks. These could be removed but the route was not draughting.

A small crawl at the head of the second pitch has no draught but it is easy digging and it may bypass the choke.

Various small passages have been sketched in the logbook and these will become available in due course.

Reference: anon., 2006b (Easter logbook); anon., 2014b (Easter logbook)
Entrance picture : April 2014
Underground picture(s): Easter 2014, Chris Camm : Easter 2014, Phil Parker
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