2287: shaft
S Vega 30T 450636 4793976 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 658m
Length 60m Depth 45m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 16th October 2005

A covered shaft above site 1219. Some boulders were removed for exploration; care should be taken around the shaft top as most of the 5-6m long, 2m wide shaft appears to be capped and covered with vegetation.
Ten metres down the shaft divides into three and reunites another 10m down. The shaft then drops 25m to a rocky floor, 3 x 6m with lots of dog bones. One tight rift at the base is 3m deep, another is 6" wide and continuing. The double barrels from a shot gun were removed from the bottom.

Reference: anon., 2005b (Easter & summer); Corrin Juan, 2006a
Entrance pictures: yes
Underground picture: yes
Video: site 1219 with 2287  42Mb wmv file  2Mb wmv file
Detailed Survey : sketch
Line survey:
On area survey:
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