1779: M-40, Sima (M40)
Mullir 30T 455648 4796291 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: M) Altitude 538m (540m)
Length 25m Depth 23m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 3rd November 2002

This site is described on the web site of the Sociedad Espeleológica Alto Duero who have explored it. It would appear that the entrance has been located with GPS but the altitude (in brackets above) is wrong when plotted on 1:5000 maps.

An entrance of 5 x 2.5m is the top of a 21m pitch. A short climb down reaches the depth of 23m. The site was not found at the stated grid reference in summer 2002.

Reference: SEAD website; file; anon., 2002b (summer logbook) 
Entrance picture: on the SEAD website
Underground picture(s):
Detailed survey:  elevation on the SEAD website
Line survey:
On area survey:
Survex file: