1751: Azuela, Torca de la (2011 (French: SCD))
Arredondo 30T 450148 4793391 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: M) Altitude 587m
Length 157m Depth 54m Vertical range -43m +11m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 11th February 2016; 24th September 2018; 15th November 2022

According to Simonnot G, 2016, the site position is ETRS89 0450139 4793388, Altitude 573.

The information has been roughly translated from the French, Spéléo-Club de Dijon reference, Degouve de Nuncques Patrick et Simonnot Guy, 1989 (in Sous le Plancher, no 4, 1989), repeated in Simonnot G, 2016. The grid reference and altitude are likely to have been taken off a 1:25000 map. The French reference number for this site is SCD2011.

On the western side of a small rocky valley above the last huts of Azuela. The site was explored in October 1988.
The shaft entrance, although imposing (30x 6m) is relatively hidden in the lapiaz and the thickets of trees. The higher edge gives a cliff of fifty meters. Opposite, a series of small steps in a corridor leads to "an enormous sloping stone drain" (translation?). At the bottom, a large north - south gallery is choked. Two narrower passages also close in.
The only possible point to re-examine would be the projection of the north-eastern branch in a narrow passage which would require climbing a few meters to push it. The gallery seems to continue beyond that.

Reference: Degouve de Nuncques Patrick et Simonnot Guy, 1989 (survey); Simonnot G, 2016; Simonnot G, 2018; Simonnot G, 2022
Entrance picture:
Underground picture(s):
Detailed survey: yes (from Degouve de Nuncques Patrick et Simonnot Guy, 1989)
Line survey:
On area survey:
Survex file: Reconstructed from the 1989 survey