1608: shaft
El Naso 30T 450966 4796650 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 496m
Length 8m Depth 6m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 11th September 2022

   A small hole on the El Naso ridge. A 4m climb down ends at a dig where it is possible to see 3m into a larger chamber.

   At April 2022, this site would have been impossible to find except for excellent GPS. Rock covering hole and a boulder were almost completly covered over by vegetation. It took some time to dig out the entrance and remove large capping rock. Site was found to be 4m deep in old cave partly filled with blocks, to reach a boulder blocking way on down a 3m drop to a boulder floored chamber. Needs capping and checking out for draught in hot weather. Horizontal small rift at 4m level chokes out. (Phil Papard)
   In the summer, rock was removed from the entrance, descended, continued into a choked area strewn with boulders at a depth of 6 metres. Site would need significant digging and did not look promising and had no noticeable draught. Contrary to previous reports, no chamber exists, only a small area strewn with boulders, approx 2m by 1m. (Andrew Northall)

Reference: anon., 2001a (Easter logbook); anon., 2022b (Easter logbook); anon., 2022c (summer logbook)
Entrance picture: 2001 and 2022 : 2022
Underground picture(s):
Detailed survey: 2022
Line survey:
On area survey:
Survex file: 2022