1592: shaft
San Miguel 30T 456281 4796785 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 275m
Length 20m Depth 15m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 29th April 2002; 4th June 2002; 14th September 2021

   The entrance to the shaft is right next to the GR75 path. It is probably best tackled up as a ladder pitch avoiding the brambles in the gully. The shaft is steeply inclined (70 degrees?) probably phreatic tube that reaches a bouldery floor about 15m below the level of the track. Looking up, underneath the path, there appears to be an alcove or a passage that should be accessible by ladder hung from the pathside above.
   The entrance was well-hidden behind vegetation in 2021.

   The Sociedad Espeleológica Alto Duero have also explored the site, naming it Sima CR-3, but mention nothing about the alcove.

Reference: anon., 2000c (Summer logbook); anon., 2002e (February logbook); pers.comm. (email 10/4/02); anon., 2002a (Easter logbook); file;  SEAD website; Corrin Juan, 2003b; anon., 2021c (summer logbook); 14th September 2021; anon., 2021c (summer logbook)
Entrance picture: yes; also on SEAD website
Underground picture(s):
Detailed survey: sketch; also on SEAD website
Line survey:
On area survey:
Survex file: