0723: cave
La Secada 30T 451542 4797106 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 265m
Length 19m Depth 7m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 25th September 2012; 13th September 2019

Old description:
The original (Xmas '93) description has the entrance lying behind trees, partially blocked with a wall. A climb up calcite at the rear of the cave chokes at gours. A slot on the right at floor level leads to a pool. The grid reference was VN51629733 Alt. 270m; ETRS89: 30T 451518 4797121.
The site was probably refound by crawling under vegetation in the summer 2012 to a small face with slabs covering a small climb down. The GPS is shown at the top and photo below.

Definitive description:
Two entrances in the same shakehole, one partly covered with the slabs and the other a short drop into a small passage. The cave is probably best explored by dropping carefully between the slabs (they seem stable enough). The passage slopes down to a small chamber, at the bottom of a 3m pitch from the second entrance. A crawl under the east wall leads to a low chamber with formations.

Reference: card; material in file; anon., 2012d (summer logbook); anon., 2019d (summer logbook)
Entrance picture : 2012 & 2019
Underground picture(s): 2019
Detailed Survey : 2019
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file : 2019