0632: Tronco, Cueva del
Riva 30T 454551 4793703 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 262m
Length 30m Depth 20m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Explored by the Colectivo Piezo, February 2020. They write (through Google Translate):
It is a small ramp that reaches a depth of about 20m. This cave has been found thanks to the recent deforestation near the road from Riva to Matienzo approximately by km 24. A route between blocks gives way to a very vertical descending meander of small dimensions. There is no continuation.

Note: Original 0632 info (Secadura) merged with 2787.

References: ; anon., 2020a (January, February logbook)
Entrance picture :
Underground picture(s):
Detailed Survey : Elevation, February 2020
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file :