0577: Limestone Lump, Torca de
S Vega 30T 450832 4795134 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: U) Altitude 335m
Length 20m Depth 15m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 20th November 2008; 23rd March 2009; 21st May 2014

An 8m pitch to a block wedged in the rift and a further 5m ladder drop to a small chamber. A short squeeze down enters a 4m long hands and knees passage to a sharp, low section into small chamber. The only possible route out is a slippery climb up moonmilk which needs doing. The cave draughts out.

This cave has not been refound, although site 3070 (unexplored) is a remote possibility. It is more likely to be lower down the hill as the entrance is supposed to be on the same contour as Hammered Hole and "below Cabritilla". A search around that area in a "land of limestone lumps" failed to find the hole.

Reference: anon., 1983a (Easter logbook); from 2008f (autumn logbook); ; anon., 2014b (Easter logbook)
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