0503: Mazarredonda, Cuevas de (3)
San Pantaleón de Aras 30T 459268 4799741 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: M) Altitude 45m
Length 20m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 6th November 2004; 16th May 2009

Three caves: Cueva del Ratón (length 30m), Cueva del Cubo (20m) and Cueva del Carro (length 12m). All the caves are archaeological sites.

Cueva del Raton (886) contains Upper Magdalenian levels; Cueva del Cubo has shells, flints and pottery, possibly dated in the Chalcolithic; and Cueva del Carro (887) similarly has shells and pottery. Also in Cueva del Cubo, a rhinoceros molar was found: Dicerorhinus merki Kaup.

References: GEISC/R and CAEAP, 1986 (survey); Munoz Fernandez E et al, 1987; Fuentes C, 1982; Ruiz Cobo Jesús and Muñoz Fernández Emilio et al, 2009 (survey)
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