0484: Zorro, Torca del
S Vega 30T 450020 4793949 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 603m
Length 80m Depth 58.6m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 17th December 1999; 3rd June 2000; 21st January 2001; 24th April 2005; 1st October 2006

Probably first descended in 1983 but no account was written up. A wire belay marked NMCC was found at the bottom in 1999.

A 10m pitch / assisted climb down in an obvious shaft with a whitebeam tree leads immediately to a 31m pitch head, partialy blocked by boulders. Landing on the floor, the way on is down a narrow 3m pitch / climb whilst to the left and right there are two small side branches that quickly end. A squeeze through a rift leads to an 6m shaft followed by a 3m climb.

The cave ends at a narrow S-bend which was passed in 2006 to a 3m pitch into a blind chamber.

The site carries an alternating draught and is rigged mostly on 8mm stainless studs. 40m of rope from the entrance shaft Y-hang will reach the floor above the squeeze.

Reference: anon., 1983b (logbook); anon., 1999c (logbook); Corrin Juan, 2000; anon., 2005b (Easter & summer); anon., 2006d (summer logbook)
Entrance picture : distant  close up
Underground picture(s):
Detailed Survey : 1:500 projected section  1:500 plan  2006 combined survey (pdf)
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file : yes (Amended magnetic declination December 2013 to align with Eur79 grid and coordinates altered to fit ETRS89 datum, April 2014.)