0421: Entrambascuevas 1 (Trampascuevas, Cueva de)
San Pantaleón de Aras 30T 458128 4798624 (Datum: ETRS89. Accuracy code: G) Altitude 237m
Length 103m
Area position : Site entrance in context : Logbook search

Updated 19th February 1999; 3rd February 2001; 3rd June 2002; 17th January, 6th November 2004; 22nd April 2008; 16th May 2009; 12th May 2019

[Previous grid reference was 30T 451168 4798511 (Datum: ETRS89)]

A single passage ends at a mud and calcite choke.

Pottery and a bone instrument were found in the cave, and a group of schematic-abstract paintings have been located in the interior of the cave. These are sketched and described in El Arte Esquemático-Abstracto de Matienzo y sus alrededores (Smith Peter, 1998b). and further discussed in Muñoz Emilio et al, 1995. The cave contains a level with oyster shells.
The developing Acanto web site (by the Federación de Asociaciones para la defensa del Patrimonio Cultural y Natural de Cantabria) has a section on Arte Rupestre esquemático-abstracto. Reference Ruiz Cobo Jesús and Muñoz Fernández Emilio et al, 2009 summarises the finds in the cave in the context of other caves in the Asón region.

References: Corrin J, 1983c; material in file; GEISC/R and CAEAP, 1986 (survey); Muñoz Emilio et al, 1995; Muñoz Fernandez E et al, 1987; Smith Peter, 1998b (survey); Ruiz Cobo Jesús and Muñoz Fernández Emilio et al, 2009 (survey); anon., 2019b (Easter logbook)
Entrance picture :
Underground picture(s): entrance  passage  schematic-abstract paintings
Detailed Survey : 1:1000 (This combined survey of 422 and site 421 does not show the correct relative positions. Site 421 is well north of 422).
1986 survey
Line Survey :
On area survey :
Survex file :